I think it would be really sad living a life without knowing what you really are...
People must start learning WHO they are. Here is a full long playlist of 22 videos explaining everything in details. A MUST WATCH for all those that are looking for the truth. https://www.bitchute.com/playlist/ZStP8WUpFB3m/
this is NOT for NPCs...
I know I'm a living and breathing woman, but still not sure what's more behind. 👀 like where did I come from and where I will go next?
where did I come from
from stardust
where I will go next?
Nobody knows which is the next universe you will reborn. We are living a multiple versions of our own universe. A very good and interesting new series about this subject is the Dark Matter TV series. I think is also an old movie with the same name. Very interesting.
will I get to meet my parent and ppl I care again in other universe 👀 it can't be just random right?
Not really, those are just memories about other "bodies" you knew.
how about someone you love?
love is also another experience, a memory. You learn from it.
why this is a memory, is the wo(man) who you love also random or met before?
Try ‘The Thirteenth Floor’ film a rather overlooked sci-fi thriller
will watch:)! thanks
oh yeah I think I remember that movie ! Good one!
Tag line ‘Question reality’
really interesting
if you could choose, which time would you like to experience?
I would like to see how things like during 1500, the peak during the Ottoman Empire.
which time would you like to experience?
Not time, but which universe. Time is just a position of an event in a linear course of other events. Better ask: what could happen if I rebirth in a past moment, before I know my actual "me" and I would change something and will affect me in present. Maybe will transform me into a cat or a butterfly or a tiger. Is not obligatory to rebirth into a same human body. You can be a tree.
Ask yourself: what if you can hide your actual bitcoin seed, then re-birth after 100 years and your new mind still kept that info where you hide the bitcoin seed?
this is a movie? goes to show much resources i dedicate to tv
knowing what you really are... is the most important thing in this life, but it’s also the most difficult one… That’s why the process of knowing yourself is so beautiful… 😊
Most people have a full measure of life and most of them seem to waste it… or have it wasted for them.
I think that is not possible to not waste a part of your life… That’s human. The problem is when you waste the entire life doing nothing or dealing with meaningless things…
Or having itwasted for you by financial oppression or enforced servitude
I guess that's the first part of life for everyone, some manage to see the light and escape.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 9 Jun
Yes but that sounds deeply challenging :(
but that's what the internet is for, if everyone shares what they actually know instead of pretending to know what they know, then maybe we can slowly piece things together.