I take my daughter to school and I see people in a hurry, running like they can't wait for tomorrow, with unfinished breakfasts, putting on makeup in the car, and then returning home after a 10-hour day. I just wonder, how much life is your job costing you? Reporting from a gray city
I like wearing my pj and working at home:) and shitposting in SN 👀
or taking a break for adventures, which potentially leads to more inspiration for my work.
Exactly! I love working in my pajamas, lying in bed hahaha watching movies or series with my daughter and having a snack. Hang out on SN. Being able to go to my daughter's school events or her sports practices without having to ask anyone for permission. I hate asking for permission, I hate that they want to control my time. I don't have the most paid business, I don't earn the amount I want (for now), but I am practically free.
When do you publish something from your trips again? I'm attentive 👀
I hate asking for permission
I am practically free
#metoo, which gives me more time to learn and create whatever I want. 👀 I only want to commit to the things I truly love to do now and avoid unnecessary dramas with unpleasant people, nothing worth ruining peace of mind and health.
no, I am not super rich; I'm just living a simple life inspired by @DarthCoin #162833, building things to support my expense, and using my extra time to explore what's possible.
I constantly think, there is only one life, there are no more opportunities. Why should I be or do something I don't want to? Before I felt like I was walking aimlessly, I wasn't paying attention to the things I wanted to do, I was simply following the path that was supposed to be the "correct" one. But now, it's different. If I want to learn to skate, I do it, if I want to learn something new, I do it; There is no age limit, if not today, then when? I lack the budget to do the other things I want, but little by little the goals are being met, right?
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The same thing happened to me at the time... I have been 7 years since I emigrated here to Lima, Peru and here the pace of life is very very fast... people run to get to work and children run to get there. to school... when I arrived I tried to adapt to that rhythm since I did not have documentation... but after I got my documents I got a couple of formal jobs where you have health insurance and things like that... and I understood that that was not the option for me... they pay you very little for many hours of work... I left home at 5am and returned at 9 or 10pm... from Monday to Saturday and on Sundays I went out to sell sweets since we couldn't afford it because my wife I couldn't work because I was taking care of our little one... I have currently been selling all kinds of items for cell phones for more than 3 years... and it allows me to share with my family. I have no boss and I manage my time comfortably... Peru has become in a country with a lot of labor informality... everyone sells things or works for themselves... because that way it makes money and allows you to save...