It's funny you just replied. I was just messing around and got it to work again. About two weeks ago you gave me the tip to keep the channel open for a while before using it. That works very well. Lately, after a few days I can no longer zap on nostr, though I can send and receive elsewhere without a problem. I just discovered if I disconnect the NWC from primal mobile, then reconnect AND re save my profile, it starts working again. I don't know why I keep losing the connection, though. Maybe it's a primal issue. I updated it a few days ago. I use graphene OS and got the app through @franzap's zap store.
Yes, on primal happen to me too, using Alby. You have to disconnect and reconnect zapping. is not about the wallet you use, is more about NWC.
Okay. I think @TonyGiorgio mentioned that he had certain problems with NWC. Maybe it's related.