I live in argentina and milei "tries" to make BTC a legal tender but he will fail. As lot of people started to understand milei is just a pro dollar/fiat and financial system. First he went for our hidden dollars and now he wants our BTC, that's why he wants to make it legal tender, to steal our wealth via taxes. President Bukele in the CPAC talked about taxes, that they want you to think you are financing the gov by paying taxes while the gov can auto finance by printing fiat money. So the question is... What are the taxes then? The way to make you pay for their debt, incentive from the gov, etc. Today I was watching vids from Japan and I understood that Japan did the next thing: They made people pay taxes in yen to make the yen a legal tender. So they didn't leave any other way to pay the taxes and as everyone knows, if you don't pay taxes you will have big problems. That's a good way to make the BTC a legal tender and make everybody use it. I live in argentina and I won't use my precious SATs if I don't have to. That's why govs like milei's gov will fail in that point, also who is a president to tell me if I can or can't use my precious SATs? BTC is permissionless it's our freedom
milei "tries" to make BTC a legal tender
If you start with that, you are on the WRONG path.
  1. Milei is just another puppet. NEVER EVER put any faith in any politician ! Politicians are not there to help or represent you! Are in those positions for their OWN personal interest and ego.
  2. Bitcoin CANNOT be legal tender. When people will learn what the fuck means "legal tender" ? Read here what is "legal tender": #463278 TLDR: it means debt. Bitcoin cannot be debt, is pure property, is credit. Also any gov or central bank CANNOT manage a Bitcoin stash for a country. It's impossible and if they try it will end up badly. Why? Because Bitcoin is for sovereign individuals not for govs and citizens. Guys, please learn what does it means all these terms you are using in your language.
So please stop with this madness of "X country will adopt Bitcoin as legal tender". IS A TOTAL BULLSHIT.
Bitcoin must be adopted and used by each individual. FUCK THE GOVS, FUCK THE BANKS, FUCK THE COUNTRIES.
@remindme in 2 years
That's what I always thought, who is him to tell me if I can or can't use BTC. The BTC permissionless is our freefom
1 sat \ 1 reply \ @Rex 24 Jun
Bitcoin does not need to be legal tender to make purchases online. Don’t expect the government to do anything for Bitcoin, you must support Bitcoin with action. Because Bitcoin is the underlying P2P revolution, not supported by a centralized system.
I only want miles or any gov to not sneaking around, that's the point of the "people's money"
If you've done things right, your country's government shouldn't know that you have Bitcoin, or at least not the exact amount of Bitcoin you have, but that depends on how you've used your Bitcoin.
It's miles, it's Argentina. He doesn't know what's a Blockchain, he only see BTC as something to tax and steal our wealth. They can check I have BTC but they won't know the amount cause I don't know it too ahahaha. He didn't pass the law so I will move it a couple of more times and forget them for a couple of decades
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