milei "tries" to make BTC a legal tender
If you start with that, you are on the WRONG path.
  1. Milei is just another puppet. NEVER EVER put any faith in any politician ! Politicians are not there to help or represent you! Are in those positions for their OWN personal interest and ego.
  2. Bitcoin CANNOT be legal tender. When people will learn what the fuck means "legal tender" ? Read here what is "legal tender": #463278 TLDR: it means debt. Bitcoin cannot be debt, is pure property, is credit. Also any gov or central bank CANNOT manage a Bitcoin stash for a country. It's impossible and if they try it will end up badly. Why? Because Bitcoin is for sovereign individuals not for govs and citizens. Guys, please learn what does it means all these terms you are using in your language.
So please stop with this madness of "X country will adopt Bitcoin as legal tender". IS A TOTAL BULLSHIT.
Bitcoin must be adopted and used by each individual. FUCK THE GOVS, FUCK THE BANKS, FUCK THE COUNTRIES.
@remindme in 2 years
That's what I always thought, who is him to tell me if I can or can't use BTC. The BTC permissionless is our freefom