'''The way to properly use it is to set relatively high outbound fee rates for source channels, and give equally high discounts to the most stubborn sinks. A fee management algorithm should be able to set such inbound discounts automatically when the liquidity dips below a pre-set threshold. Of course, currently this will only work if the mission control is done by another LND 0.18 node.'''
Isn't it the opposite? The fee taken for a route is the outbound channels feerate. A channel is not a source because it has low fees, but because it is the inbound channel for routes that go throuh a cheap outbound channel, so it ends up with lots of local balance. Increasing it's fees would then reduce even more the routes it would do the other way, so it would stay a source. And the discount on the sinks would make it even more a sink
No. Discount makes it cheaper for a sink to route to any other channel.
I am not saying this is not the case. I'm saying that in this paragraph, to my understanding, the author should advise the opposite : low outbound fee on the source channel, not a high one . It's the sink that should have a high inbound fee.
For the last part, i might have written too fast, indeed, the inbound discount on the sink channels is good