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Hey Stackers...
Not a bit surprised!! SN is such an amazing place, you can always find very palatable food for thought.
However, it makes me a bit surprised to see that many of us (including me) have developed some insane ability of Staying on SN for long hours on a daily basis. It can't be done without a proper stimulation or motivation.
*So, why not share your biggest motivation to staying on SN for hours daily?
Can simply be 'the ability to stack sats' or 'you got a lot of free time' or whatever. Just share it.
Thank you so much.
Sats for all!!
I find it helps to have no life.
This is high intellectualism. Will you please shed a little more on it?
Of course I was kidding, the point being I don't have much going on as a retired guy. In reality, though, I do have other stuff to do. I need motivation to get OFF of SN. I really enjoy hanging around here and talking to everybody, always learning new things.
Best conversations I have found anywhere on the internet. Zapping and being zapped is also a great feature.
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Best conversations! I saw you call 'lame' ...haha..
I called @Undisciplined lame for not making a pick in the WI vs SA match.
Turns out he made the correct decision as I got booted from the pool but at least I went down swinging. He is still lame even in victory.
You've gotta know when to hold 'em and know when to fold 'em.
I will keep that in mind Kenny.
There's no bravery when you show it for nothing..
To Both of you....
It has nothing to do with brave or not brave.
I am just playing to have fun and enjoy the game and learn a bit along the way.
....Swinging without any need...sometimes it's better not to show off bravery...
I would still rather lose having made an effort.
In my case it's the opposite, I really like that I have no motivation to stay hours, but I like that I can quickly scan interesting topics at a glance and read something that may interest me and/or share something I think might be worth sharing. Being a useful/interesting platform without a focus on life-absorbing engagement is a light, freeing feeling I value greatly from SN.
without a focus on life-absorbing engagement...
Right! I can see some people around me watch shorts these days for hours without any learning...
There are days you hit a rut, though. Sometimes people arent posting things you find interesting, so its hard to comment. Or you post something that doesnt get any traction. Lol
SN teaches you about 'negative capabilities'.
Engaging content and discussions! Sometimes arguments!
And the Sats, baby!
I love arguments that I don't win.
I know it seems like I'm on here non-stop, but I'm actually just keeping up with notifications while I'm at work and checking in occasionally when I'm not.
Why? Because, it's fun. We have good conversations about interesting stuff.
So, fun is the biggest one for you. You had a lot of fun there on ~Staacker_sports!!
I'm not staying for hours daily. But, on somedays, I stay here and I would say that 'learning by asking' has been my motivation so far. There are so generous stackers that they readily reply you if you ask anything.
I agree 💯💯. It's definitely one of the things, you can stay for. This is the best place Bitcoin learners!!
I totally agree, I have had those situations, where you ask a question, two technical questions or any topic, and you will always find an Awake Stacker 🤠⚡ willing to help you, share an opinion, perhaps a reflection or recommendation, or simply responding with pleasure and kindness to your publication. In my day-to-day work I try to include time to be in SN. it feels good 😁
To piss off statists, shitcoiners and fiat maxis
It isn't to stack sats because if I wanted to stack - I could work 20 minutes in uber and make 30,000 sats - its to engage, learn, network, grow and build. It is to learn about all corners of the bitcoin community. It also is to keep the streak going. Many reasons why I'm on here for long hours a day, but in the end I am planting seeds of knowledge.
Planting seeds of knowledge
Umm! I get it! Sats for likes are still better and real though.
Mainly learning, the amount of valuable content you find here is incredible, on the other hand, I can't find the community and vibes of SN anywhere else, here I feel more open to expressing an opinion or simply expressing a thought 💭 and for Last but not least, practice the philosophy of value for value, it is incredible to be able to give or receive true value (⚡) for everything that is done in SN, be it recommending a product, a book, offering advice, or thanking for something learned From the publication you have read, there are those who create content to educate others, and there are those who share a funny meme or with an important message, and a thousand other examples, who through them receive value through the SATS, genuine value because no one gives away their precious SATS for something meaningless or null.
receive value through the SATS, genuine value because no one gives away their precious SATS for something meaningless or null.
True. These guys can take heads if you ask for their Sats without a meme..
Since Twitter died, I didn’t find any place where I could talk with like-minded people about sports etc. Until I found SN. And so far I have enjoyed my time here.
Engaging content and discussions.