this territory is moderated
Are you kidding? Creating a poll for these things!!! 🤣🤣
Have you ever had a posting just leave a bad taste in your mouth because someone just ruins it?
I just don't take seriously. I'm kinda enjoy and have fun!! In my early days, I had a lot of such discussions with Darth but they were meant to decide a point about Bitcoin and related stuff. Here I see, you're talking about opinions which may lead to some kind of offense..
Why talk about black and white, man and woman, east or west. Talk about good productive things. If you think somebody is trying to incite some topic which have endless dicussions and still be wanting clarity. Just stay away! That's what I do!!!
very nicely said
I need to get some expert opinions. I understand if none of you want to touch this with a ten foot pole, but thought I would ask since you seem to be the people I interact with the most. @TNStacker @DarthCoin @cristaiji @Undisciplined @siggy47 @grayruby @TomK @kepford @Public_N_M_E @BitcoinIsTheFuture
I don’t want to partake in stacker vs stacker feuds. My suggestion is just mute him.
I think that's the only person I've muted.
I seemed to remember you had a discussion with him.. Must have been a good reason.
Some of his arguments are not only illogical, and not very serious. I mean I can be an asshole, but I try very hardy to be logically and factually sound and open-minded. But I am here to learn and share. Not to just spew my uninformed opinion.
I feel he makes some discussion just to argue and inflame.
This is a waste of my time.
Sorry to have wasted your time.
Not you. I was referring to his arguing just to inflamed.
Hi, could You provide the background please?
#590382 There are other instances, I am searching for them.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK 30 Jun
I don't know, I've been offended here a few times with my personal views and perspectives on things. But I think that, on the whole, we have a pretty good culture of debate here at SN. However, I still lack details for possible hostility or similar. I've found that I took some pretty bad knocks here especially on the subject of the war in Ukraine, but I take a sporting view of it.
I believe so, too. I also take my knocks when they come.
No concerns you’re good!
If you ask me about some SN user, first look into their SN bio and comments.
Mute and move on. Or don't. I don't think any of our opinions matter more than yours.
I just avoid interacting with people who irritate me, especially if it's about personality more than a difference of opinion.
Smart. I should consider it.
41 sats \ 1 reply \ @Fabs 30 Jun
Oh my... Nobody's a Saint, even here on SN, move on.
That is true.
Differences in opinion is always a tough one? What was your aim here? To convert them towards your way of thinking? Because that never works. I've never had a bad interaction with you nor bell curve, however I also don't engage in topics that could blow up. Building good relationships can be a very long and difficult process. I wouldn't take it personally, however I would refrain from being the one to call someone an asshole, despite being antagonised it then doesn't paint you in a good light.
I had a conversation with some users (I don't remember the post) about gun control. They had a difference of opinion to mine, however when they became degrading and insulting in their comments I simply told them we were here to discuss a topic not insult each other and that I expected them to keep it that way and show some decorum.
As hard as it is when you're talking about a topic you're very passionate about try not to devolve a discussing into a shit slinging match, keep your head and walk away if you need to. Debates are displays of information and facts, facts don't care who's presenting them. Spiralling into an insults match doesn't do you justice. I can see you became aggravated and that's fine, the real skill in a debate is not to let your opponent under your skin, that way you can think the clearest and ensure all of your points and counterpoints are water tight.
Don't beat yourself up over it either, you did what you could with the skills you had available to you at the time. That's all you can ever do. (Anger takes half of them away and leaves you playing chequers whilst your opponent is playing chess).
Hope this has been helpful.
Im not trying to convert him. Nor am l angry. I am just seeing if he has irked anyone else.
What happened? Why did that situation end like this? lol
Come on, it was a long time coming. It wasnt only this time, its been many times. Im not saying that he is wrong in everything he says.
It was the first time I had spoken at length with this user...
hmm..@Bell_curve sometimes comes off a bit rough off the edges. I do think the poll/survey is a bit extreme, and everyone has the right to not self incriminate. You could do the following: (1) not respond; (2) Mute on SN; (3) Not take it personally; (4) downzap the user. In your case, just mute. Move on, life is too short to be angry. You can effectively make fun of him/her too, get a laugh for both of your sakes and move on. The choice is up to you.
Im not angry.
@Bell_curve rubbed me the wrong way at times, doesn't mean he/she was wrong, other times the insight was meaningful. Of course we'd like to stay civil to make sure the message comes across, overall it is part of healthy/heated exchanges of ideas/opinions
What happened??
A long history... You should see the post I opened yesterday, that's where it originated
The thing is, it just isnt this one time.
If you are able, you should share some other time where it happened, if you remember what thread it was in
I cant remember when it was. I just remember not commenting after he took over.
Don't fall to these things!! I say!! That's their matter!!! We should be away from such things. Let SN be a platform where we discuss healthy things.