I need to get some expert opinions. I understand if none of you want to touch this with a ten foot pole, but thought I would ask since you seem to be the people I interact with the most. @TNStacker @DarthCoin @cristaiji @Undisciplined @siggy47 @grayruby @TomK @kepford @Public_N_M_E @BitcoinIsTheFuture
this territory is moderated
I don’t want to partake in stacker vs stacker feuds. My suggestion is just mute him.
I think that's the only person I've muted.
I seemed to remember you had a discussion with him.. Must have been a good reason.
Some of his arguments are not only illogical, and not very serious. I mean I can be an asshole, but I try very hardy to be logically and factually sound and open-minded. But I am here to learn and share. Not to just spew my uninformed opinion.
I feel he makes some discussion just to argue and inflame.
This is a waste of my time.
Sorry to have wasted your time.
Not you. I was referring to his arguing just to inflamed.
Yes. He must be bored.
Hi, could You provide the background please?
#590382 There are other instances, I am searching for them.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @TomK 30 Jun
I don't know, I've been offended here a few times with my personal views and perspectives on things. But I think that, on the whole, we have a pretty good culture of debate here at SN. However, I still lack details for possible hostility or similar. I've found that I took some pretty bad knocks here especially on the subject of the war in Ukraine, but I take a sporting view of it.
I believe so, too. I also take my knocks when they come.
No concerns you’re good!
If you ask me about some SN user, first look into their SN bio and comments.