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Oh, this is rich.
Ms. Ernst also pointed out in a July 29 letter to Mr. Werfel that a 2023 TIGTA report “found 149,000 federal employees owe an astounding $1.5 billion in unpaid taxes. Tens of thousands are repeat tax cheats, failing to file tax returns year after year, and the number is steadily increasing.”
this territory is moderated
Really? You can't make this stuff up.
Locally we had this darling tech startup that the local politicians loved to tout. They were constantly doing photo ops with them. Then the company tanks and we find out they haven't paid their property taxes for years...
Taxation is theft but it is weird how when you are connected you get away with not paying much longer than we lowly plebs.
I guess it's just like cops not busting each other in more familiar contexts.
Yes, but that is still wrong.
It shouldn't be surprising, though.
Its not surprising, because we know the government is corrupt.
Just imagine what kind of fallout would happen if no one filed taxes. Of course they dont want this to get out!
The IRS's budget is $12.5 billion/year. Not sure what is spent on salaries. But probably a few billion a year given they have about 100,000 employees.
Having $50 million in unpaid taxes for an employee base like that is nothing. They probably have hundreds of employees undergoing bankruptcies at any given time for various reasons that weren't their fault like natural disasters, medical problems, fraud, theft, etc. There's also always going to be employees that "owe" taxes in cases where what they owe is in dispute, and will eventually get reduced or eliminated by courts.
Do you just see this as a numbers/percentage issue? In that case you're probably accurate. Do you think IRS employees should be held to a higher standard regarding filing and paying taxes than other citizens?
Most IRS employees are relatively low level, low paid, workers. Why should we expect excellence out of them? And why should we care about a few dozen employees out of ~100,000?
The problem is malice not incompetence
Without a comparison to other industries, sectors, and against averages of the whole what does this even mean? Would it matter if by comparison to plumbers, these percentages are low?
That's a lot of money! A big number of people as well! If they aren't paying, do they have any rights to ask someone to pay? And, why not government cut taxes from their salaries? Are we only talking about income tax here?
Federal income tax. That's the way it is when you work for the government. I don't think a cop has gotten a traffic ticket in the US for fifty years. The rules are for the others.
So, I was wrong while thinking that there's no corruption in USA. I thought it's only my country where we have double standards but it's worse in USA. At least the Judiciary is independent here.
$50 million is big amout. Now what will the government do after this?
in the roman imperial era, the tax lease was known. there, a roman nobleman was enfeoffed with a province and was allowed to plunder it fiscally at his own discretion and had to pay his share to rome. a real mafia approach, but perhaps precisely for this reason the best alternative for our overstretched postmodern socialism
the untouchables are not taxed
Lol even the ones that enforce taxing thinks its a scam with trying to avoid, 1.5 billion and rolling is a lot and here the normie gets threats of fines and interest if they don't pay, just shows you its your personal duty to find ways to pay as little tax as possible
I am shocked 😲 I have no word IRS
they probably really wanted to pay but they didn't know how to fill the forms, very complicated LOL
lulllz, oh come on. madness!
It's obvious that people who ask others to be honest are often not honest themselves.
This really irks me. How everyone else pays their taxes on time, but the people working at that agency try to slip through a loophole.
In India they say, "I've a relative/family person inside tax office and I need not worry about taxes at all."
Wow, in India they have corruption, too? I thought they were a religious people?
That's not called corruption. It's called bullying the system because someone from your family is part of the system.
It is called corruption and dishonesty.
India is famous for corruption. Need a license to run a business? Pay off the police and regulators
It's called bypassing the system here. Haha
Right, its because enough people arent stepping up to correct it.
Whats 50M amongst friends. Can’t they just cancel that like student loans?
I think that's what they were doing when someone found them out.
Will they be held accountable is the question?! The hypocrisy! They make us pay for hell with taxes, but they don't follow the rules they enforce. Rules for me and not for thee!
Who better to skirt taxes than those enforcing taxes
Well guess the wanted those with "experience" 😂.
Seems a lot of people who get in positions of power feel they can abuse it for the "greater" good. Normally making them richer.
Wow, that is unbelievable. The people working for the government. You can tell it is so crooked!
Not surprising especially under Biden
Have you noticed federal employees are more incompetent and less ethical under Biden?
They were just as bad under trump.
Yes. Useless civil servants are bipartisan.
Yes, it doesnt matter which leader they are under. Incompetence is incompetence.
It’s not 50/50
Cliff Clavin is the outlier. 99 percent of civil servants vote Democrat. Why would they vote for smaller government?
When a new administration comes in all the useless patronage jobs are given out to the party faithful. I grew up in one of the most solidly republican counties in the country. It was run like a mob family. The government workers had to kick back 1 percent of their salary to the county republican party. Workers had to buy tickets to pricey fundraisers. They didn't mind, since they had cushy, overpaid jobs. The county leader was convicted in a pretty famous prosecution. I don't really see a huge difference between the parties in this respect. It is always worse when one party dominates the area for years.
I remember my old company wanted us to pay into a fund, so that the company could use that money in order to lobby to the politicians. That money was done under the companies name, which really incited a lot of people when they found out.
Yes, the longer the term, the more depravities.
I’m guessing you grew up in Nassau County or somewhere in Long Island
If you had to guess how many IRS agents vote Republican? Half? Less than half? Less than 20 percent?
My friends are there and they never told me about such grim corruption from there. Before coming to SN my view of America ws like a heaven. Ok ts changing now!
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