Not a fan of this at all. I know it's also happening in other places with cameras, but that doesn't mean I want more of it.
The UK doesn't want to be outdone in becoming a dystopian surveillance state has plans for widespread use of facial rec by the police. All name of our safety and security.
It's really only a matter of time before you can't leave the house without having your face scanned and checked in some database.
It's weird how the world is slowly turning into an Orwellian dystopia, and no one seems to care.
Yes, I was reading about this too. Hasn’t stopped people from going to MSG sadly. I think it’s inevitable. I do think any building/stadium/arena/casino that is using facial recognition should be required to post a notice at every entrance.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @pj 4 Aug
Tickets/food/parking is so ridiculously expensive at Levis. I didn’t really need another reason to not attend, but here we are!
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