can anyone explain that why I drink water but still feel thirsty, even with a dry lip? could it be due to the change of water/temperature, or could be the AC?
Very strange. Do you typically drink a lot of water during the day?
like the same amount I normally do, I'm guessing it could be the change of water, the taste is even different 👀
@carlosfandango knows a lot about health related stuff. Maybe he'll have an answer.
I miss drinking fresh water from the mountain, now it's filter water with a strange taste which made me thirsty. 😂
38 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 4 Aug
Next post: how to create your own water? 👀
Or how to filter your own water? 👀 inspirations for @darthcoin and @mo
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could be a mix of the 'wrong' fluids and AC ( chapped lips? - YES )
I actually don't like spicy food:) 👀
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I'm a pessimist, so the first thing I thought of was the scary bit. Many friends and family members exhibited thirst before diabetes diagnoses, but I think @Natalia leads a far healthier lifestyle!
indeed scary, but family history-wise, safe.
I try to consume as little of sugar as I can, and no weight gain, so should be safe.
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My other used to put a little olive or mustard oil on my umbilical when I was a kid. She says this helps fight out dryness of skin and throat. It works.
oh umbilical? 👀👀👀
Olive oil is good for the skin indeed, but I prefer jojoba oil, especially for the face, it absorbs so much faster and better, I don't like the oily feeling; and my skin is actually fine ( so far ) , only dry lips lately.
Umbilical=belly button. It must have some science behind it. My ancestors were great doctors of Ayurveda.
I was looking at Ayurveda before, quite interesting.
and why not share some great Ayurveda tips in ~health:)
Sure! I think I should come up with Ayurveda. It is so natural in me, I feel an urge to pass it to others so often.
it's probably the quality of water you drink. Did you try adding some minerals to the water or gray/pink salt? I also concern some time and always bothered and concerned of drinking bottled ans/or tap water... I started looking at what bottled water contained and tried to avoid those with fluoride, also did a test of the local tap water, until I finally installed a water system to purify it.
it's probably the quality of water you drink.
I guess this is part of the reasons too.
I started looking at what bottled water contained and tried to avoid those with fluoride, also did a test of the local tap water, until I finally installed a water system to purify it.
but then what do you do when traveling?
That's a great question. There are online many bottles that have some filters included, you usually also find it in outdoor stores.
what @DarthCoin use or just getting fresh water from the river?
also fresh water from a river is not enough. If the water come directly from the top,, it doesn't have enough time to get all the minerals. Is good water but is not giving you all you need. But I always use a filter if I drink from a river or a creek.
what filter do you use? 👀
and does anyone use the copper bottles for carrying water around? It seems that's what ppl used before the invention of plastic bottled water; Btw, I just drank half a bottle of Aquarius, feels so much better.
what filter do you use?
something like this, very efficient, light and cheap.
I use stainless steel light bottles No plastic.
I personally avoid CC products. You probably find good local alternatives, look at the bottles labels and start comparing the components inside. It's also a good way to learn ;)
I personally avoid CC products.
same! and agree, solving problems is always a good learning opportunity.
Might be vitamin B deficiency. You can try drinking coconut water and honey water.
you need minerals you lost during an intense dry period or a lot of effort. Try to drink some Aquarius