In line with the plan to achieve sustainability (break-even), donations will directly reduce the posting fee, such that donations + forecasted posting fees - monthly rent = 0. The "forecast" will just use the prior month's post-count.
The next Fee Operation Management Committee will announce new posting fees according to the following schedule:
Block 856011 ~2024/08/10 13h00 UTC
Block 860330 ~2024/09/09 13h00 UTC
Block 864506 ~2024/10/08 13h00 UTC
See the prior month's post for more details @ 604610.
Treasury was 41K at end of May. I'm holding off ratifying rules around treasury burn until I see signs of stability in modelling the future. We're still bleeding money, and @jeff is plugging the holes.
If this territory ever runs a cumulative net profit, I'll find a way to do right by the earliest contributors. There is no guarantee of that scenario. Most likely, it'll take the form of "pay-it-forward"-style BTC-adoption/effort/charity.
In August, we got very close to breaking even on a total-revenue+donation basis! Which means if donations are flat this month (ie >= ~38K), and there is just a tiny bit of growth, we might be close to a point where sustainability is in reach.
In line with the plan to achieve sustainability (break-even), donations will directly reduce the posting fee, such that donations + forecasted posting fees - monthly rent = 0. The "forecast" will just use the prior month's post-count for one more month. After September, we will introduce a dampening mechanism as discussed a month ago, to smooth out post-fee changes.
The next Fee Operation Management Committee will announce new posting fees according to the following schedule:
~2024/09/09 13h00 UTC
~2024/10/08 13h00 UTC
~2024/11/09 13h00 UTC
Note that I'm dropping the block-numbers, because I'm mixing them up with SN post #s.
Forecasted Posts in August= 287
Actual Posts in August = 289
Forecasted Posts in September = 289
Surplus of 2 posts vs forecast.
Treasury was 41K at end of May. I'm holding off ratifying rules around treasury burn until I see signs of stability in modelling the future. We're still bleeding money, albeit less slowly now, and @jeff is plugging the holes.
If this territory ever runs a cumulative net profit, I'll find a way to do right by the earliest contributors. There is no guarantee of that scenario. Most likely, it'll take the form of "pay-it-forward"-style BTC-adoption/effort/charity.
There was a material uptick in my own accounts income from referrals. I'm trying to figure out if that is tied to the territory or not. If anybody knows, it would be helpful to understand as it might impact my model.
Cashflow from the "50% of 10%" of post-revenue, that is income ex-posting costs, is normally small and volatile. IMHO, it's so trivial, it's noise and barely worth this thread. Last month, we had a record setting post, (thanks to) 619793@Undisciplined. We don't get an isolated number for these posts, but the territory likely earned ~5K from that post.
I want to capture this inflow for the montly fee-post-cost-adjustment, in a way that doesn't increase volatility in posting costs.
Any ideas?
The one option I can think of, would be to declare a trailing moving average of ex-post-cost-income. Include the term in the post-calc-change logic each month, assuming the MoM growth = 0 %.
Also, bonus points for ideas that are simple to track or screw up.
The most obvious volatility reduction strategy, to me, is to only adjust posting fees by a fraction of what is recommended by your formula. Basically, dampen the system.
🙏 Please Donate for August 2024
Accounting Notes
July Crowd Funding
July Revenue
Posting Notes
Short Term Priorities & Goals
Operational Metrics / Quick & Dirty Fee Change Analysis
Territory Change Log
Owner's Pledge
Prior Updates
🙏 Please Donate for September 2024
Accounting Notes
August Crowd Funding
August Revenue
Posting Notes
Short Term Priorities & Goals
Build Tooling
Operational Metrics
Territory Change Log
Owner's Pledge
Prior Updates
Additional Notes
Call for Contributor & Donor Input RE: Cashflow treatment decision