Yes and no.
  1. Ignore what all media says about El Salvador situation. Just go there and live for a couple of weeks (or forever) and see how is it yourself.
  2. It was too early from the perspective of education. Those people were pushed too fast into a technology and system that practically they do not understand. SV gov together with that law it should also introduce a massive educational program for the people. They did nothing in this sense. I mean at least basic education for regular people, not macro economics and stuff like that. How to use BTC/LN, wallets, backup/restore, safety etc.
  3. Price is just a distraction, even for those poor people that their life depends on each sat. They should consider BTC in their wallet as "savings" and all the rest as "consuming". In this way they will learn how to save more money /energy for the future. Volatility is just a myth, used against BTC.
I am in direct contact with some guys from SV and things are good and became easier every day. Is just a matter of time and education. You can't change a whole fiat system in 1month/year... takes time and most important: users education.
Volatility is not a myth. If it was, you wouldn’t be able to buy bitcoin at $20k. Bitcoin is worth what people will pay for it. If that amount drops, that’s very real. Nothing mythical about that.
1 BTC = 1 BTC, but supply and demand are just as real.
Bitcoin the magic money...
Can you please be specific about what is "becoming easier".
I also have contacts from SV and according to one of them the Salvadoreans hate BTC and fear that their salaries will be in BTC.
It is of no importance what computer people think about BTC and Powell and I see only such people reporting about the "great progress" of BTC in SV. Nobody else.
Those in fear of Bitcoin, will always live in fear. For them all roads goes to HFSP...
I will try to convince my friends from SV to come here and post their experiences living on BTC there.
I will give you an example:
This guys started from ZERO knowledge about bitcoin, nodes, lightning, how to build a webshop. And look what he achieved until now (work in progress), following my guides about bitcoin and he built his own business around BTC. He also started to do education at local level with his clients ( These guys do not have another way other than go forward with Bitcoin.
If you have friends in SV, help them, educate them about bitcoin. This is all that matter.
Greetings friends, I am @marvincha01 from El Salvador, Central America, I started in Bitcoin in the year 2020 by a friend of mine who is an accountant where I work and may he rest in peace, He encouraged me to buy my first BTC in an Exchange, where he appreciated and saw future in BTC as he had seen the magic in Bitcoin when its price increased rapidly, I began to investigate and I tried some Exchange because I still did not know what the wallets were and the first obstacle that I had to face was the language in which they are built. I managed to find a very interesting Blixt Wallet which has very good support and great guides. Where I met a character called in cyberspace DarthCoin who speaks very good Spanish and who has been my mentor so far, given my personal vision of having my own financial freedom, I try to induce others in my country to save in Bitcoin, to buy in Bitcoin, and as I was taught through LNTXBOT and configure it with a BlueWallet, I try to educate them that BTC is market value because some even with fear of fluctuation, we are the first country in the world to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender. There is still a lot of work to build with respect to education, as the government is still not doing much to bring financial education in Bitcoin to schools or public institutions to cash in Bitcoin and Lightning Network. Yes there is Bitcoin Beach at the Zonte and the Bitcoin house which do their work from their trenches. By the way, great job guys.
Thanks to DarthCoin's guides and other masters that one finds on Twitter I started to learn more about Bitcoin and Lightning Network, giving start to my own node with a raspberrypi and umbrel. With my wife we have started our family project with an online store in which we intend to sell products of our artisans and salvadoran products among others, being an online store that accepts Bitcoin and Lightning Network payments. In El Salvador.
You should start a periodic posting here, telling us your life on bitcoin in El salvador and be sincere if you have real challenges or issues using BTC/LN. Many will read and maybe will try to do things that can improve your use of Bitcoin there.