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Getting timeouts when trying to set up NWC for receive (using AlbyHub), will try again later. Until then, I'll zap the first 10 people to comment here to see if send works well.
EDIT: Just noticed the little PENDING state on my post as it waits for the external wallet to pay. Went smoothly. I imagine the post gets deleted if it doesn't get paid in time?
I have been trying to connect both, though only managed to get the receiving part through lightning address. I have received some zaps this way already.
Struggling to find a way to send.
With AlbyHub it's pretty straightforward... Let me know if you need help
I have tried with Alby hub. When I go through the process, gives Two options a) free. Do it yourself. Tried this way and unable to set it up. Just too clumsy to make it work. b) hub. 12500 sats per month 3 months , then 21000 sats per month. Not making that amount at this moment. So I need to get better at creating content so it is worthy to pay that fee.
I have also tried Blink, but every time I log out , I need to link it again. Checked with @k00b and confirmed that this is how it is at this moment and should wait a bit longer before trying this method.
I went the free AlbyHub way. Let me see if i can make a little guide with screenshots tomorrow.
Ok thanks, that would be great!
Seems like @Alby is already helping you...
It's nice anyway that you gave it a try!
Feel welcome at our Hub onboarding sessions where you can learn about Hub and see how it's not clumsy ;) at https://cal.com/getalby
Thanks for reaching out to me! I have already checked and booked a session! Hope this clarifies it.
Please don’t misunderstand me. I was feeling clumsy myself when trying to attach wallet and hub. I am sure your hub is great! ;)
Congrats on the transition. 🤙
I will have to get this hooked up for my own account. At the moment I just use the custodial native SN wallet. Is that going to be going away or requiring KYC anytime soon?
deleted by author
Thanks! I missed this.
I'm still worried what and how am I gonna do it!
I'm a newbie here. Also I don't understand all this technical stuff.
So, it's like we don't have the best solution. LNC has issues, now NWC is also having them.
Why don't we make SN wallet non custodial?
This is the point of testing things out. It's by reporting issues that things will iron out.
Why don't we make SN wallet non custodial?
What do you mean? This is exactly what is being done here by connecting to external (custodial or non custodial wallets).
I mean SN creates a non custodial wallet of/on its own.
That's a whole project on its own :) makes more sense to let people choose their preferred non-custodial wallet that have a dedicated team to develop it
It doesn't work like that I'm afraid
It can work like that but it's very hard. The mutiny team showed it's possible to make a self custodial LN wallet for the browser. But then they stopped because because they think it's too hard of a problem to solve at scale. So I guess their story is evidence for both things: it's technically possible but (arguably) not in a practical way
That's not a simple matter. I'm still holding out hope that @Alby will consider a custom SN solution.
Yep, this architecture is completely ass backwards.... history has proven that it's unsustainable for services to depend on reach into user systems where user systems are by nature less robust forms of infrastructure.
What's worse is there's 0 rationale behind it, it's driven by speculative compliance. The embodiment of the weak men create hard times meme.
The good news is this will eventually cause the pendulum to swing back even further in the right direction.
Drained SN Wallet?
The ghosts of drained Ledger wallets came crashing to me as soon as I read these words!!
My bad. I had to remove some words to fit the title to the character limits, I realize now it can sound confusing.
No problem, I just took it that way because I remembered about the ledger fiasco. I doubt, everyone remembers it till now.
Wasn't that mostly a shitcoin thing?
Ledger has poor security
There was a data leak right after the drained wallet hack
Yes, it was.
But there were a few users of ledger who claimed that their Bitcoins also got drained.
Is it working well? Is it easy to use compared to sn?
NWC send is working great. No failed payments up to now. It feels the same as using the custodial wallet, maybe with a 1-2s difference for the payment to settle. Barely noticable.
Same with me. I'm on my 3rd day now. I think NWC send is reliable and good to use. Likewise, lightning address has been flawless connected to my always on node. I have used it with Blixt also, and it works. The only issue is that Blixt is not always open and online. In that case the transfers are made when the wallet is opened and the channels are back online.
Same for me. I had the same problem with NWC (using AlbyHub) receiving, so I connected NWC to send and Lightning address to receive. Until the timeout bug is fixed, this is how I will do it.
We had problems with alby’s relay when testing receives. They confirmed the issue. I’m not sure if it’s been fixed yet
On it! Let's coordinate on our teams slack?
We did already!
Did I make it in time. I am practically begging right now for zaps. I never thought that Stackers are very altruistic. Let me join the fun. I have no plans of going anywhere.
Am Iate in the game. Nah, while you are at it, please zap me even for a bit. Test your recently installed lightning wallet. So that I zap more stackers. Just kidding.
As I'd like to keep my SN custodial wallet empty, I'm trying to update the desired balance for autowithdraw, I keep getting the following error:
failed to create test invoice: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
I tried updating it to both 0 as well as a few non-zero values, to no avail. I can create an issue on github if this is unexpected behavior...
That’s an error reading what we get back from the relay
Ok, tnx. I'm doing it for the lightning address receive case, which has always worked up to now (authowithdraw worked as usual 54 minutes ago). But I guess it's because I'm trying to update the settings.
I'll try again next time, hoping things are resolved on alby's side by then.
I have it set to 0 without issues
I managed to update it by using a non-alby Lightning address. However, when setting zero, it'll actually only withdraw starting from 11 sats, see this screenshot. Is it the same for you? It's kind of an edge case, but might be an important to fully remove custodial service from SN's part. I'll create an issue once you confirm.
Yes. You are correct. Mine is the same. FYI, I am using an Alby address now.
I'll check
I'm wondering how it's going for you? Are you auditing to see your success rate? I'm trying to figure out a method, particularly with receiving.
Sending works nearly all the time.
I sometimes do have to click again, but that's usually because I forgot to turn on AlbyHub. The weird thing I had this morning is that the NWC connection had disappeared on the SN interface side. And indeed, it wasn't working and was presented with the usual ln invoice instead. I had to the wallet+connect (or whatever it is called) step again.
Receiving also works nearly all the time. If once or twice, it doesn't. It'll accumulate in my SN wallet. But it'll get back to zero soon enough with the next successful autowithdraw, in less than an hour.
I don't really have a method to quantify the success rate.
If I am on my phone when zapping a post, I still have to do the send by hand by paying the invoice with any of my mobile wallets.
Thanks for these details. Have you separately attached wallets for your phone? I only zap mobile. Conversely, I need to pay an invoice on my laptop, but that's because I haven't set up separate connections on it yet. At least I assume that's the reason.
No, I haven't done anything on my phone. And yes, connections have to be done separately for each device. I read it somewhere, don't remember where.
Actually, as i was trying to post the above reply, it didn't work and had to pay an invoice. Similar to this morning, the NWC connection has been deleted on the SN side.
I hope it works
Well it might be