Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Today I passed the 100k stacking mark! Yay!! :D Thank you all!!
Becoming the change you want to see in the world is not easy when the world does not want to see you change.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 3 Sep
me searching for friends in the saloon, 2024
For the first time in 30 years, the weekly food inflation in Argentina was 0% !!!! Thank you Javier Milei !!!
It only took a Libertarian President, Zero Deficit and Zero Printing to achieve this in 7 months!
Abrazo hermano
I can’t create a poll with choices
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 3 Sep
Can you link to the poll that renders improperly?
@ek showed me poll was fine
I was smoking crack
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 3 Sep
Why not? Is there an error message?
No error message
The poll doesn’t render properly
Today has been a very instructive day for me. Thanks to @undisciplined I have had access to economic information that has opened my eyes even more about how the government monopoly on the creation and management of money harms society, how money is imposed, even with death threats, and a phrase has left its mark on me:
"When money stops working, everything becomes political and a farce."
Nothing better said. The knowledge I have acquired today thanks to these magnificent suggestions has provided tools and arguments to help others learn about and adopt Bitcoin not only as a means of payment, but rather as a means of freeing themselves from the slavery to which we are subjected.
I’m glad you liked that line so much. It’s a nice way to convey the important philosophical point that society can either be organized voluntarily (functional money) or coercively (politics). There is no third way, and we know which of the two is preferable.
Both articles have been very helpful to me. Thank you.
I have shared them with interested friends and will use them for my purpose of educating about Bitcoin and the need for its adoption.
Pretty over all the "oh this is great!" unsubstantive sat farming comments. The thought density is too fucking low.
What about peaky blinder memes? Are they OK?
I couldn't get through the first episode, but I will grant you your memes.
“All it takes is a decision to act. A decision to let the old, lame, insane people driven by darkness who currently run the world know that you're not taking their shit anymore. You're taking what's yours.” ― Marty Bent A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
Had an awesome day today! Cleaned the place, checked out a few places to live, had some chicken and waffles then went to see the new Twister movie. Now I am prepping for the daunting work week ahead :)
I was surprised by how much I liked Twisters. It wasn't the best movies ever but it was more entertaining than I expected.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 2 Sep
Do not negotiate with product terrorists.
People will say they don't use XYZ because it doesn't do ABC but it's often more simple than that. We usually aren't single feature customers. More often, the source of defections are along the lines of:
  1. lack of value
  2. contradictory habits
  3. peer pressure/influence
I'm sure there are others, but (3) is maybe the most difficult to solve for because it's largely unconscious and we are motivated to deny it as a "thing."
Day #56 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
I'm giving a 0 custodial balance a shot this week. First thing I noticed is that my job post can't be promoted anymore.
I tried this then zaps and rewards filled my balance right back up
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
216 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 2 Sep
If you set your autowithdraw threshold to 0 it should keep it at zero.
Noticing my zaps are failing a lot more. Having to re-zap from my notifications
What are you using as your sending wallet?
Ahh okay seems to be working fine
Okay going to try this now
I deleted a previous post which made a joke about assasinations
Today's tips:
Bitcoin Core.
➡️bitcoin-cli: is the command line tool to interact with your #Bitcoin node, you can check block information, manage wallets, send transactions, among others. This interface is written in C++.
Lightning Network Daemon.
➡️lnd-cli: is the command line tool to interact with lnd, a Lightning node, you can perform operations such as opening and closing channels, making payments, and checking the network status. This interface is written in Go (Golang).
Lightning Core.
➡️lightning-cli: like lnd-cli you can perform the operations mentioned above. This interface is written in C.
Reflecting on Labor Day and the importance Bitcoin will have on future Labor Days.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
How did it go yesterday? VERY well. I enjoyed the break from work and took advantage of it to study and share on SN.
Today the work week started, so I'll be a bit busy at work, but what will happen when it's over? The answer is simple: Study and share on SN.
We'll see the news that predominate and the hottest debates. But we're sure to learn a lot from everyone's comments.
@Undisciplined reminded me that I have been experimenting with living in Bitcoin for two years ( still a baby compared with darthcoin ), and wow, how time flies! what I can share more is not only about earning and paying things in sats, it's also about getting the knowledge and needing less from outside - the point is you can choose services but not depend on it, but now most people are default relying on everything outside because buying with one click is so much easier, but the reality is even you are willing to pay you are not necessarily getting the solution that's good for you.
Fiat world teaches us to make more money then you can offer the "best" of everything, while it is about learning how things actually work, go natural / less human intervention in the Bitcoin world.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 2 Sep
🌬️ my comment
77 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 2 Sep
188 sats \ 22 replies \ @anon 2 Sep
Day 504 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
gee it sure is boring around here
100 sats \ 19 replies \ @ek 2 Sep
didn't know there is oil beneath the saloon
zapped for terrible pun
thanks, appreciated
bitcoiners are like oil, to be mined
deleted by author
deleted by author
Weak minds straw man their opponents.
Strong minds steel man their opponents.
Sometimes I suspect their minds are strong, but they perceive their own minds as weak.
The moment someone strawmans me, I stop discussing things with them and let them live in their straw world.
That's very wise. It's probably more of a character issue than intelligence.
I tend to avoid people who behave that way, but sometimes I engage because I'm thinking about the audience, rather than expecting a fair hearing.
23 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 2 Sep
That's generous. That kind of thing drives me too mad.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 2 Sep
While discussing smartphone addiction with friends in university, someone took the moral high ground with a straw man. Big 🙄 moment.
Day 259 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 772 sats on 1Sep2024! Running total: 170,287 sats!
day 32: 47 sats on 9-1-24. total 913sats!
Create a place for people to live like human beings, instead of slaves to some bullshit concept of Progress that is driving us all mad.
–Hunter S. Thompson
Let's cook some sats 😁
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
just had a look at X, which made me appreciate SN even more.
Took my children to a new indoor playground on the other side of the island. 2-year-old daughter starting to show some spunk. She refused to eat her usual staples, wanting to eat what we had. Thank goodness my dad brought some soda crackers. Those are not too salty.
I am buckling my seatbelt in trepidation of the terrible 2. 😢😭
Happy Labor DAY USA!
Woot woot
Hello Stackers. There's no red, there's no blue. There's Orange, there's you.
GM stackers! Even though I have not bothered you with my daily steps count, I have carried on with my challenge.
It looks that it’s helping again with my weight 81.4–>80.4–>79.8–>81.4–>80.4
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 2 Sep
It might not seem like much progress, but you're doing great! Keep it up.
Day 220 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 4x42 normal/narrow; Total: 168 (Day 324 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 223 of 120+ pushups per day)
Why does inflation seemingly lead to lower quality products? You would think people would make them better by spending the additional money due to how much more expensive it will be in the future to replace
262 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 2 Sep

Defund the Police

Various groups and movements have called for the “defunding of the police”, and are promoted heavily by many main stream media outlets and publications.
However this is an orchestrated propaganda psyop set up to manipulate the general public to move in the opposite direction.
A “psyop” is short for the phrase Psychological Operation or Warfare, which is the term given to the action of government’s influencing the perceptions and attitudes of an individual or group, often foreign but become increasingly domestic.
Based on the ill-conceived and incorrect assumption that the police deal in law, and are there to “protect the people”; most individuals consider defunding the police a bad idea.
Usually based on the left-right divide, people who are unable to critically think and cannot see the deception are easily persuaded to go against the opposing side.
This results in the refunding of the police, which often includes them being granted more “powers” given to them by government.
Note: the amount of political power is dependent on the number of brainwashed slaves.
The truth is the police have no authority, nor does the government, but people with a slave mentality have just given away theirs.
Note: it should also be noted that from the earliest conception of the police, they have been working with organised crime. The “criminals” create the “problem”; the police are there to “solve” the “problem”.
The police, courts, lawyers and “criminals” are all working together against you for money.
It is a scam and a racket, design to generate billions in revenue while simultaneously suppressing the poor and weak, referred to as the “citizen” or “slave to the system”.
If you think you are safe by giving away your sovereignty, rights and authority to another, you never will be.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 2 Sep
A friend thinks the "defund the police" movement is actually the federal government's incentives acting to disarm local LEOs so that we move to a federal police force and can't defend ourselves from oligarch overreach.
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 2 Sep
This reminded me of the day I almost started running away from undercover cops. They stopped their car next to me, stepped out and looked at me in a way I knew they were trouble. It was also in a part of town known for more crime. I started walking faster and crossed a corner and almost started running but then I heard "Police! Stop!" from behind and I indeed stopped. They wanted to search my bag and I didn't resist because I didn't want any trouble, had nothing to hide and was still trusting authority. I should have at least asked for their ID though.
But how could a civilian recognize a fake ID from a real one anyway if they have never seen one before?
Also, anyone can shout "Police! Stop!".