Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
TIL Stephen King's It was not a movie but a 2 part miniseries.
I think at some point in our lives many of us are NPCs. I definitely was in college and in High School. The biggest thing is taking a step back and critical thinking on ones own.
Add Reddit users especially moderators to the list
Yes, especially those idiots who ban you from the subreddit for no apparent reason.
Reddit Lies is one of my favorite accounts to follow on X
I didn't know it, I'll have to check it out
Contrary to what I thought, I was active on the platform even though I was on medical duty. It seems that the situation is being controlled, at least today there were few patients. So I had the opportunity to continue learning about Freedom, economy, fiat system failures and I was commenting on the concern I have about government and financial entities having control of large amounts of BTC, and I was even reading a stacker's comment about how these entities have bought those BTC with the money they print. Hopefully the Bitcoin-only future will not be dominated by them. We'll see what happens?
don't forget the mining excise tax proposal from 2023
Wish there was a background lol.
Day #57 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
Continuous actions with categorical parameters.
“It is impossible for a man to learn what he thinks he already knows.” ― Epictetus A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
Today is a busy day. I already attended to the patients in the morning consultation, I have to start an on-call service at the hospital due to the epidemiological situation with Dengue and Oropuche, we hope that this situation will soon improve, because we know that it is not going to disappear. So for a good part of the day I will not be active in SN, I will be helping sick people in a physical sense, but if I get the chance, I will teach or talk to someone about Bitcoin. See you later stackers.
97 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 3 Sep
Congrats to @jasonb for winning this week’s meme Monday contest.
You can view the winning meme and all others here #669705
Noice. Will the actors see any of those sats?
Someone ought to track meme earnings just so we can tell celebrity lawyers to fuck right off. 😂
1st day of school for my kids. Proof of work! It’s up to me as a parent to teach them about ethical proof of work money though!
0 sat SN wallet experience:
The auto withdrawal is flawless. But the zapping needs work. Maybe I should switch to NWC for a better zapping experience
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 3 Sep
Are you using LNC? NWC hasn't failed a zap for me yet
Guilt: I fucked up.
Shame: I’m fucked up.
Blame: You fucked up.
Reframe: We all fuck up sometimes—it’s part of life.
Dialectic: I fucked up and I’m learning how not to.
Accountability: When I fuck up, I address it.
Empowerment: Fuckups are opportunities to grow and improve.
Great summary
Bitcoin Hashrate hits a new all-time high of 737 EH/s
Tick tock next block!
Day 221 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 3x42 normal/narrow, 32 pseudo, 25 pike; Total: 183 (Day 325 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 224 of 120+ pushups per day)
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @random_ 3 Sep
Bee populations look good. Food stores way low though.
Apparently this is the last time I can feed them before they go into cluster.
5 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 3 Sep
Day 505 of snailposting everyday 'til BTC hits $100k.
__@'-' __@'-' __@_'-'
45 sats \ 1 reply \ @Roll 3 Sep
Charles Murray writes, The U.S. has around 130 million people of prime working age: 25 to 54. For any given talent, therefore, about 650,000 are in the top half of the top percentile of ability. That’s a lot of people. The task is to identify those with STEM talent when they are young. If by “young,” he means 18-year-olds, then there are many fewer than 650,000. About 20,000 - 25,000 is more like it.
Murray continues, The good news is that standardized tests expressly designed to measure cognitive ability are an efficient way to do so. They are accurate, inexpensive, resistant to coaching and demonstrably unbiased against minorities, women or the poor. Those conclusions about the best cognitive tests are among the most exhaustively examined and replicated findings in all social science. The bad news is that admissions offices of elite universities ignore this evidence. They use “holistic” admissions algorithms that treat tested cognitive ability as just one of many desirable traits. Of course, the fair thing to do would be abolish admissions offices, have each college set minimum standards for admission, and select qualified applicants by lottery.
He wrote a book called Bell Curve in 1994
Holistic admission is about justifying admission for unqualified students
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 3 Sep
"Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans." -John Lennon
Day 260 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 781 sats on 2Sep2024! Running total: 171,068 sats!
121 sats \ 1 reply \ @zapsammy 3 Sep
day 33: 47 sats on 9-2-24. total 960 sats!
  • can a swarm be constructed out of several bitaxes working from different locations, or does each bitaxe have to be added to the pool account separately?
  • what is the advantage of a swarm in bitaxeOS as opposed to several miners in a pool?
Great questions to which I don’t have the answer. Might be worth a post to ~bitcoin_mining
Almost a house in a couple of years. Keep mining :)
deleted by author
Have a great start to the week Cowboys!
89 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 3 Sep
Learned a new concept: it's not about eating what diet, not about vegan or carnivore, it's about balancing the body's PH; For example, if the body is more acidic, it's easier to get sick, then you need to eat more alkaline food to balance it.
How do you measure your body ph?
290 sats \ 2 replies \ @Lux 3 Sep


Within the modern day “justice system” the “courts” operate within three basic jurisdictions:
  1. Bank
  2. Maritime
  3. Religious
Each one is set up to extort money from you.
This is done by setting up a constructed trust in your name, where you a tricked in agreeing to be surety for a bond.
This bond is then used to support the trust, which is referred to as the Res or trust body.
With this trust in place the court is about to generate thousands, if not millions in credit.
Note: it should be noted that if you accepted the bond for value, the trust would collapse and so would the court, along with all the charges.
However if you “go to court” you are entering someone else’s court, and have lost your sovereign status. This is the trap.
This scam could not exist if enough people knew the truth, which is only a Sovereign can hold court, which is you.
Have you tried this at home?
Very important pill !
I recommend to all reading more here:
It’s the school holidays now but I went back to sch to have a leisurely lunch with my admin manager. Tucked into spinach, prawns and steamed grouper. Yummy.
Be like Sensei. Build social bonds whenever you can. Network - you never know when you need someone’s help!
What is your school calendar?
USA is approximately late August until May sometimes June
2nd Jan marks the start of a new school year.
So right now, Term 3 has ended, and I’m enjoying the Sept holidays
143 sats \ 0 replies \ @Melisa 3 Sep
Loneliness is not just the absence of people. It is the absence of purpose, the absence of meaning. When you find yourself in a world where everything seems alien and distant, where every connection is superficial, and every attempt at understanding is met with indifference, you realize that true loneliness is not being alone, but feeling alone in a world that no longer makes sense.
Are you learning Japanese?
591 sats \ 7 replies \ @Natalia 3 Sep
was talking with someone about why the families don't write down all their experience and lessons learned, so after a few generations the kids can avoid so many mistakes and live an easier life.
Now, pretty much everyone needs to start from scratch, going through the time-wasting schools, then the lucky ones get to unlearn and learn again, but ugh, how much time and energy are being wasted? And the elders who actually have the knowledge are not so good at with the digital things ( the internet ), then you have a brunch of youngsters who probably never been out of the doors yet but pretend knowing everything, and the internet are full of these types; I think SN could help with this, real knowledge sharing and accumulating, pointing out the incorrect info and correcting it with better info; You might think that you don't know much, but if more ppl willing to chip in their experience, those valuable information could potentially save life.
98 sats \ 1 reply \ @mo 3 Sep
Once upon on a time, there was a tradition to have a family history book, to write thoughts, tho keep track of property, contracts and deeds, to share useful knowledge and to pass all this info to future generations.
Funny enough, there was also a tradition to write down and maintain a Family Recipe Book. The name is self explanatory!
The hard work itself is not about documenting the knowledge, that in fact is just information. To create knowledge from that information, we need to do something and assimilate it as knowledge.
Be the change!
I'm slowly writing down the things I learned. Hopefully, future kids won't repeat mistakes I made, as simple as how to take care of the teeth, the eye, etc. ( and what's money, why you even need to have money in the first place 😂 ) and the most important part, encouraging ppl to verify them.

Why we know what we know?

When I am sitting down in front of my construction project, sometimes I ask myself this question. Why we know to build house as we (think) we know? The answer can go further in philosophy... because somebody else told us to build it like that and we are never challenging their words.
Why do you know how to cook a chicken in x way? because your mother told to do it in such a way....
from trial and error 👀 also from ppl in the past who shared their information then you verify those
I think modern man slowly is forgetting this method of "trial and error"... and is just going on "order x on internet, is easier..."
Like you said many times on SN, people forget to do things by their own.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Natalia 3 Sep
and the funny thing is once you walk into this verifying path, aka do the work yourself, you are getting closer and closer to the real information, and --> wow things can be this simple? 👀
idk if is getting simpler... sometimes I found out that some things already know from others or books, are not the right way or can be improved in "my way". But not always my way is simpler, it could be harder, but better (in my view).
So in this moment, I could create a new "historic line" of "knowing a thing", like another version in time.
Really bothers me this deep question of "why we know what we know"...
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