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-Crypto entrepreneur, in search of financial freedom, engineer by profession, I like good quality music and sports like baseball, swimming, chess, and soccer.
-cripto emprendedor, en busca de la libertad financiera, ingeniero de profesión, me gusta la música de buena calidad y los deportes como el béisbol, la natación , el ajedres, el futboll.
Welcome aboard!
Howdy @Reinuy and welcome to SN
Just want to introduce you to the ~AGORA territory, a place to buy or sell your products and services with other stackers and obviously use bitcoin P2P as a medium of exchange.
Read this intro guide whenever needed, and if you have any feedback or suggestion on how we can make this space more useful, please do get in touch!
Wish you great and prosperous times around this wonderful corner of the internet!
Stay humble, stack sats!
Crypto entrepreneur
Please define /explain that term.
fiat money in the chain that keeps us tied to the global exchange system, and that regulates and controls the lives of all citizens of the world
person who sees in crypto assets the potential to create an alternative to the current way of exchanging products and services for fiat money and who sees in this a potential to promote new businesses.
Excuse me but it is not a scientific term, it is explained from my perspective.