Has our Nostr moment officially arrived?
We all know and love what Nostr stands for and what it means to the Bitcoin community. But that is only half the battle. Orange pilling friends and family is hard enough, so it's safe to assume that purple pilling will fall somewhere on the same scale. BUT - are we in the midst of our Nostr moment right now? Given the wide open and very public attack on free speech across the globe, when will people open their eyes and realize - this is not normal!
Telegram CEO arrested
Durov was recently released on bail, but TG has already bent the knee. It's safe to assume TG is no longer a viable solution for users to maintain privacy and exercise their right of free speech. TG has a lot of users around the globe - but will they assert their right to private and open communication?
X/Twitter banned in Brazil
Elon fought with one of Brazil's Supreme Court judges.. and lost. The attack on X in Brazil is a blatant attack on Brazilian's rights to challenge their leaders in an open and constructive manner. Who is next to fall in South America?
EU and UK right to assemble and protest under attack
If you've been paying attention at all to our friends on the other side of the pond (yes, I am American) there is a collective attack across the continent from many in the EU (and UK) to completely shut down their populations' ability to assemble, protest and stand up for their right to free speech.
So, where do we go from here?
Most, if not all, of this information is not news to those here on SN. However, the rest of the world seems to either (1) not care, or (2), and arguably worse, be completely unaware of what's going on.
When people say "Bitcoin fixes this" I tend to view that phrase as more of an aspirational phrase than a realistic phrase. While Bitcoin does theoretically fix a lot of the worlds problems, it's not an overnight kind of thing. However, Nostr actually does fix "this" (above) and much more, like tomorrow.
So, the question I pose to you all here on SN is simple - what do we need to do to inform those that not only need Nostr, but will likely only survive when the oppression really ramps up through Nostr.
I love the following saying...
Necessity is the mother of invention. This is a proverb that means when there is a need, people are likely to find or create new ways to do things.
There is a need, so is Nostr the inventive solution?