🚀 Exciting News! PREDYX is now in beta! 🎉 Test out the future of prediction markets at: https://beta.predyx.com Make your predictions, earn sats, and explore micro markets with instant payouts via the LightningNetwork. 🔮⚡️beta.predyx.com
87 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 12h
Can you confirm if LNURL-auth works? My wallet just keeps waiting until it says "Network error". Tried with Phoenix and Alby and I obviously have internet access since I am writing this.
Maybe hug of death?
edit: Alby just returned 504 Gateway Timeout
I just tried LNURL-auth with Alby, it worked for me.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 12h
mhh, weird
100 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 12h
I also tried signup with credentials but the button doesn't get enabled.
When the second password field is wrong, it will say "passwords don't match" but I don't know why the first password field is red when they match.
Its probably a bug, what browser are you using?
100 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 12h
I am using Brave on Linux. I see no errors in the console except regular GET https://beta.predyx.com/api/auth/me 401 (Unauthorized) but I assume they are unrelated. That's just how you check if someone is logged in (just like we do on SN).
We haven't tested on Brave. That 401 is a way to telling you're not logged in. I will put this on my issue tracker list.
200 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 9h
I found the issue: my password was only alphanumeric but when I added a special character it worked.
So the bug is simply missing feedback about what kind of password is required.
Yes, will add this to our issue tracker.
Massive congrats on getting this launched! It's no small feat to not only build it and launch it, but also to put your baby in front of other peoples' critical eyes!
Thanks for the kind words and supporting us in this journey Jesse!
100 sats \ 4 replies \ @fanis 6h
Looks good, congrats on the launch!
FYI, I'm having issues signing up with LNURL, using Phoenix on a phone and PREDYX on a computer. I'm getting a 401 on the auth/me endpoint.
Thanks for reporting! Yes we are experiencing some memory leaks on the server-side. We're working on fixing it! What browser and OS are you using? Similar issues have been reported few other users.
100 sats \ 2 replies \ @fanis 6h
Browser is Zen (Firefox-based) running on MacOS.
Duly noted. We haven't tested out on Zen yet, but will test and add it to our issue-tracker list. We'll inform you once fixed. Also we are experiencing some intermittent memory leaks on the server-side which is really slowing things down for a lot of users. We were not prepared for so much load on the server :)
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @fanis 6h
No worries, you always discover a myriad of bugs when you first open the thing to more people 😅Good that issues stem from too many users, that's a cool problem to have!
Super cool! Why is only Manchester City there for football fans?
Thank you! We will add more of sports this weekend. Please give us some suggestions on what other teams or sports market you'd like us to add. Please note that at this point of time we can only do binomial markets like "Will XYZ win this match" => YES/NO. Polynomial/Multiple Option market is coming soon!
Placed a few bets. Def in beta but it’s fun!
Awesome! Give us some time, and we'll fix all the issues.
Also please optimize for mobile
Let’s gamble on that election!!! Whooo hoo
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @bisdak 12h
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @OT 12h
I think I found a bug with paying an invoice. The QR code works, but I'm unable to copy the LN invoice under it. It just says "copy invoice" but doesn't copy.
Hey thanks for reporting! Duly noted. Will fix it as soon as any of the devs wake up.
Predyx en bêta ! Une super opportunité de gagner des sats instantanément via Lightning Network. Qui d'autre est impatient de tester ?
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Signal312 13h
Interesting! Why is everything that I see right at around 50% (between 49 and 51)?
Because its an early thinly traded market, we just launched. As more people bet with more sats, you'll see odds move up or down. Also since our markets have adequate liquidity, its difficult to move odds by just buying 100 shares.
Why do I get prediction is not valid error messages?
On which market?
I tried Kamala flips a state and bitcoin above 60,000 on October 25
Isreal invading Lebanon worked though
I just tried on Kamala flips a state and bitcoin above 60,000 on October 25. It worked for me. Can you refresh, logout/login again. We just pushed a new version with a minor fix.
I logged out and in again. I then tried again with Bitcoin above 60k. It fails with 300, 500 and 1000 shares, but it worked with 100 shares.
Sorry, it's still a bug. Jesse from Amboss also reported that same. I'm unable to reproduce it on my side. But, we'll fix this. If its not too much to ask, can you please give details on browser, wallets, QR or WebLN (Alby). Just in case you don't want to share it here, I just created an issue tracker on GH: https://github.com/PREDYX/bug-tracker/issues
Google Chrome, Alby extension for login. I don't get presented with an invoice when this error occurs.
We will test. We only tested Firefox with Alby.
What do I need to join the network
Good luck losing your sats. More sats for me.
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