News Of The Week

Welcome to the Books And Articles newsletter. Thanks for all of the quality posts.
This was an excellent week for the territory. @plebpoet’s inspirational article was also a top post for all of Stacker News. @gpvansat published another installment of the “Wandering With Purpose” series, which gives us a hands on look at bitcoin adoption in Africa. @realBitcoinDog and @carlosfandango contributed very good book reviews, and @cryotosensei has submitted his first fiction post. Short story? Novel? We don’t know yet. He also posted to his old FTDG blog. @Athena gave us two more poems in her series.
As always, please reply with suggestions and opinions on how to make this territory better.
Logo design by @plebpoet Link to last week's newsletter: #703717

Top Five Posts Of The Week

Here are this week’s top posts:

Siggy’s Suggestions

Every once in a while there is a post that I just can’t believe didn’t get more engagement and recognition. That is the case with @Nadia’s review of the book I know of as Notes From Underground. Her review is insightful and detailed, and I hope it encourages others to read this Dostoevsky novel. It has been a favorite of mine for years.

Writing Contests

Stackers’ Blogs

My Bitcoin Journey

Inspired by Writing Contest #1, this is where stacker’s bitcoin origin stories will be posted for easy reference.

Book Clubs


Book Reviews

Movie & Television Reviews



Short Stories


Nice to see @carlosfandango posting again and @realBitcoinDog is making quite an early impact since joining. Not bad for a Rams fan. I guess 1 of the 12 had to be a good one.
I’ll try not to leave it so long next time :)
Thanks @grayruby! I also did my first successful referral with @bitcoinpup2024. You inspired me! He was on NOSTR and I said, get in here cowboy!
He’s also got great content. I gotta post on his bio with my favorite stackers like you! Hope to do that soon.
You’re a great influence! XD
Excellent newsletter, I loved the review of the book The Diving Bell and the Butterfly published by @carlosfandango, a book that will mark your life as a reader forever.
Thank you - it is certainly one of those books that hits hard…
I like the main image of the post! It's great 💪.. and I really liked it The insightful human teacher" please don't stop posting you do it very well 👍@cryotosensei
The image is courtesy of @plebpoet
You flatter me so
Urban farm is growing fast and help people escaping from city life. Great example from @plebpoet
I don’t often comment here on the Newsletter thread because laziness, but I read all the other four posts this week n need to say how honoured I am to be included alongside them
I forgot the sat split! Sorry @plebpoet! I'll make it right with a zap.
no worries :)