Before jumping onto the the Poll of the day, let's have a look at the top polls in October (Ongoing and Completed). Previous Polls (Ongoing in October 2024)

Poll of the Day

As @Car always mentions in SNL 'Cowboy Hat is the most popular segment on SN'. I feel it lacks the engagement and talks it should get everyday on SN. I took it a bit seriously and wanted to preach stacker some Cowboy lessons but here's what I could come up with.
For months I've stuck on 14th place not because I lack dedication and inspiration to move up the 'Cowboy Hat Rankings' but sadly I can only go up when someone above me loses his hat into the wild west. But all of the Stackers there are too adamant to lose it, not in their lifetime. However one off day and you lose it, it's a fact. Or may be someone takes @Car's words too seriously (Watch previous SNL's Cowboy Segment).
Why not we predict who's gonna be the next to lose his pride (🤠) as Stacker! You can also put your bets (for fun) in the comments. So, tell the world, stackers!

Who among the top SN Cowboys will lose his Hat first?

@Undisciplined 14.3%
21 votes \ 25 days left

Bet on this Poll

  • If you like, put some fun bets (No promises).
  • Just say, how much you wanna bet on whom.
  • You'll get a reply comment to zap the amount. If your prediction comes true, you'll get your betting amount + whatever extra sats this post gets (Proportionally divided, if there's a tie).
  • For example, if you bet 'A' to lose first with 100 Sats (if this comes true) and poll recieves 1000 sats, and there's noone else with the same prediction, you'll recieve 700 sats as reward. If there are two correct predictions with 100 sats, you'll receive 350 sats.
  • The actual result will decide the winner, not the poll result.

Please Note:

  • The voting on the poll will remain open for this month.
  • The poll is automatically over if anyone of the Stackers in poll options loses his hat on any day in October.
  • Please put @remindne in 25 days in the comments to see the result of this poll.
51 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 10h
100 Sats on @Undisciplined
If this post gets mega zaps we could pull a Jontay Porter style collusion but:
You can bet against him with any sats and you can say the same for you as well.
Zap ⚡ 201 Sats here.
Damnit! I zapped the post my bet before I read the instructions.
Btw, I was stuck just outside of the top 20 for a long time and then there was some rapid turnover and I shot into the top 10.
You didn't read it again. Lol. I know you've zapped the post but I've to do this because in presidential polls I saw one or two stackers just said betting amount without zapping the post. I can't know the amount you zap on the post, so a little change. How do you like this betting game on the polls? Can we create something bigger out of it?
You're in. Please don't reply here now.
What's happening here? It seems like Stackers want @k00b to lose but I think he's the best one to hold it forever.
I'm also there on 19th not very far. I think everyone will lose one day.
I bet they all will all hold onto their hats forever.
You can wish it but you can't bet it. You know 'All good things must come to an end'.
If we bet, yes If we wish, maybe
Depends on I am looking at it. The legends live on. I always wish, never bet.
Do you also wish me to forever stay in the 14th place?
What comes from keeping your hat?
I don't know you'll like it but it defines me as a pro Stacker 🤠, the proud one. I can brag about the hat 24×7. It's my passion, love and my life...😂
That makes sense. Honesty it's pretty exciting you are that high in the list. Keep it up.
I'm 11th among the visibles and 14th including invisibles.
I see you in whatever place you desire. But an OG for sure.
I desire all of these lose their hats and I get inside top 5 Cowboys on SN. 😜
What do you get for that?
Too much fun in the SNL cowboy segment there. Is Kidnapping a good option @Car?
lol! I think @grayruby and I chose each other.
He's fallen from grace before and it can happen again.
Of course I chose you. Haha.
You should lose your hate for your friendship's shake. He's even put $ 201 on your loss
A fool and his sats are soon parted.
I lose my hat every other day. Family and work leaves no rest for this stacker.
I'd suggest you to come daily and donate 100 Sats in the reward pool or just zap a random post. It'd hardly tale you a few seconds even less than time what it took you to complain about your situation above.
Its funny how you didnt include yourself in this poll.
I could only include top 10 and I'm the 11th visible. I wanted to include me, though.
Wait, how the hell am I a top cowboy? I just barely got here.
You and I both made entry on SN on the same date but we have a month's difference. I'm one month older than you. But because, I used to lose my hat so very often for 2 or 3 months, my hat is younger than yours.
I voted! 🗳️
You must've voted already much before because the votes haven't increased. They are still 16.
Sorry, kinda off topic stupid SN noob question:
What the hell is this cowboy hat thing?! I get annoying notifications about it every other day and have no clue what it is. I even tried to turn it off but am still getting the notifications.
do you see a cowboy hat emoji on the top right?
hmm no? I see my sats on the top right.
if you gain a cowboy hat, you will see it next to your sats (between your sats and username, top right)
if you click to a user's profile/bio page, you can see their cowboy hat if they earned one
I see that you have a cowboy hat for being new
OK but I still don't understand what the point of the cowboy hat is?
Also, I don't see it next to my sats at the monent, not sure why you see it.
I think you all should get a bot that keeps the hat in case something big goes down.
This is a special list. We will probably remember the stackers on the list for a while. Trail blazers in the wild west.
That's a good one