Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
Welcome new user that joined off my link today! 🥳
Been thinking about Frankenstein and his monster a lot lately.
@Undisciplined Hey, whats up man. I feel the last couple of days you have been relaxing a lot. You havent been posting or commenting as much. Everything okay?
Yeah, I was actually doing my day job a little bit and didn't have as much time as normal.
Also, @grayruby and I did our first equipment/software check for the ~Stacker_Sports podcast, So, some of my SN related activities were behind the scenes.
I noticed you werent as active, just wanted to make sure everything was okay! Glad to hear you and gray were getting ready for the podcast.
The other thing is that I don't watch or follow political news in October, so there are probably a lot of things that I would normally have more to say about.
Where is that image I seen yesterday showing us election and price of btc post election? Did I see that here or somewhere else
48 sats \ 4 replies \ @k00b 9 Oct
I am fatoshi snackamoto.
I smirked a bit. Lol
So dumb, but you got a chuckle out of me.
I said yesterday #714655 I'm saying again you're the real one. Thanks for accepting.
131 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 9 Oct
Day #93 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
112 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 9 Oct
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 9 Oct
Is that time of the month again... Stakers, watch out of our latest top Ads and Biz Conversations on the ~AGORA!
33 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 9 Oct
Uh oh. Sounds dangerous to not have the protections of the government. Should I relent?
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @AG 9 Oct
Watch out for the property owner, maybe is armed or ask you to pay a toll!
downzapping's on fire today! ‎️‍🔥
Did you notice, @Coinsreporter? I'm pretty sure that one of my posts was too.
How are you checking the downzaps?
Only a handful of stackers probably know downzapping is a thing.....
It's simple, when you see a post disappear from the front page almost instantly and then you find it on the third or fourth page, it's a sign that it's been downzapped.
And saw we had 3 downzaps at around 10am this morning on the analytics page.
Wild times.
Good tip! I didn't remember that downzapping appears in the statistics. thanks
I forgot about that too. Who's going around downzapping legitimate content?
I have this weird feeling that something's fishy, but I can't put my finger on it. I'm not going to spill the beans if I don't know for sure. Only k00b has the full picture. Once again, I'm saying we should be notified when we're downzapping, if only to know what we're doing wrong.
Its almost like being shadow banned.
Leaving the Stacker in a state of confusion, wondering if the post sucked or if they have enemies.
An angry person, presumably.
I'm just coming outta one controversy about AI. I don't wanna create another.
I think I better take a long break to let the agenda establish. Everyday my post remains under many 10 or 20 sat zap posts, I can't complain.
I'm not aware of this controversy. It's a shame to see this happen, especially when it comes to good content. downzapping just because you don't like the person is 'playing' dirty.
" What is the practical and realistic limit to the amount of any resource is always the human time that is spent producing it, for time is the only real scarce resource (until the creation of Bitcoin). In his masterful work The Last Resource, economist Julian L. Simon explains that the only limited resource, and indeed the only thing to which the term "resource" is validly applied, is human time"
This quote is from chapter 9 of the book The Bitcoin Standard, a must read for everyone, Bitcoiner or Non-coiner.
I do not intend to make any review of this excellent publication, it would be appropriate to do so in the Books and Articles area. Rather, I want to share my yesterday with the community.
I usually have, as far as possible, some activity on the platform. But yesterday was not the case. The reason, I CONSUMED THE ONLY LIMITED RESOURCE IN HELPING MY TWO CHILDREN.
Today when I got up and checked a notification I found:
" you lost your cowboy hat After 27 days, you lost your cowboy hat in a wild shoot-out on the outskirts of town. Tough luck, tIme to start searching for another one."
Then I checked my statistics and found that I had only participated in one survey. JUST THAT.
Well, yesterday after returning from work, I had to help my oldest son with an electrical problem on his electric motorcycle. It was either that or a huge expense to have someone else do the work. It's not that I care about spending money. What I can do is do it myself and also teach him and SPEND MY TIME HELPING HIM, so that I don't have to pay a fiat that I can later use to buy everyday necessities or BITCOIN. So we worked hard and managed to solve the problem. What made me happiest was the feeling of having done the work together and that he learned, the same thing my father once did with me.
But it turns out that before I started working with my oldest son, the youngest called me because he had a plumbing problem in the bathroom at home. I explained to him that I was going to help his brother and then I would help him. The reasoning was the same. We can do it together, he learns and unnecessary expenses are reduced.
So it happened, I finished with my eldest son and then I went out with my tools to my youngest son's house, on the other side of town, although it is within walking distance. We started and finished after a lot of hard work. As a result, the problem was solved and he learned.
Finishing everything, around 8 or 9 pm, I returned home. I was very tired, but after a bath and dinner I was ready to interact and work on the platform, but A BLACKOUT came. The mobile data towers went down and along with them my hope of working on SN, so I couldn't do anything.
I would have liked to share with the community yesterday but it wasn't possible, I used the only truly limited resource (until Bitcoin was invented) to help and teach my two children. I hope I managed to produce a good product, namely knowledge and affection in my children, after having invested all that time with and for them.
Hey stackers long time no see huh¡ I hadn't came online for more than 1 week 😭 Due to land slide in Mt home town. Now finally every thing is fixed here. Glad to see you all
Week 9 of running three Bitaxe supras at the fiat mine.
Nuthin' yet. One of these centuries.
Hey, stackers!
Long time no see :)
It doesn't happen often, but once in a while, my goal of keeping zero sats here fails due to not finding a proper route. My max fee is at 10. It usually resolves during one of the next tries. Other than that, my experience with external wallets is still very positive.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 9 Oct
10% max fee should be plenty but it might still run into the base fee issue for small zaps for which I created this ticket.
As explained in the ticket, I run into route issues with phoenixd. ACINQ has a base fee of 1 sat and my max fee is set to 1%. Since 1% of anything less than 100 sats is less than 1 sat, every withdrawal to phoenixd has to be above 100 sats.
Being able to set a max base fee would fix this.
Just a reminder for @grayruby , @Undisciplined and anyone else that tomorrow starts the October challenge in Workit App. Let’s move our legs and earn some sats!!
30 sats \ 1 reply \ @grayruby 9 Oct
I’m ready!
I'm looking forward to getting my 20 kilosats back.
At least !
Still no Android?
Not sure. I use iOS
Let’s crush the day Cowboys!
180 sats \ 0 replies \ @zana 9 Oct
Bride in Thailand with a dowry of 1 $BTC.
have a great day, Cowboys!
No u
As every Wed, NEW 💥 JABBB #07 :: Bitcoin Pyro comics and meme contest
Day 257 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 42 normal/narrow, 17 pike, 22 pseudo, 27 diamond, 27 wide, 28 staggered; Total: 163 (Day 361 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 260 of 120+ pushups per day)
0 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek 9 Oct
Posted this in the wrong @saloon:
Wondering what's the best time to setup daily buys on Strike.
Maybe I'll just go for 420.
131 sats \ 5 replies \ @bief57 9 Oct
Sorry, I know this isn't the topic of conversation, but I have a question: how do you quote what someone else writes like this? I'm just entering staker saloon to ask this question, and well, I found your example.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 9 Oct
We link to a Markdown guide here:
See section about quoting text:
> this is a quote this is not a quote
I used ``` (three backticks) for this code block.
If you're on desktop, you can also go to #715844/edit (append /edit to the URL) as kind of a hack to see the raw formatting.
Sorry, I know this isn't the topic of conversation
No worries, anything is welcome in the @saloon!
31 sats \ 0 replies \ @bief57 9 Oct
LOL I'm reading and practicing, the first one didn't turn out well.
36 sats \ 1 reply \ @bief57 9 Oct
The letters are still missing
Text Formatting not working

I type.

The result I'm getting.

Is there something that I need to do on my behalf?
It works but the text doesn't turn blue.
20 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 9 Oct
You expected the heading to become a link, right?
@k00b, judging from the commit title, I think this was broken in 2e1a7c10.
33 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 9 Oct
Intentional. Headings are only headings.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 9 Oct
Also headings in comments are now only bolded (which we always intended to do).
Headings are links to themselves so people can share links to sections of an item.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 9 Oct
my way of expressing disapproval without caring too much
it looks and feels like a bug though
86 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 9 Oct
deleted by author
Yes and to turn it blue as well.
The kinks to the territories didn't work either.
Day 293 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 852 sats on 8Oct2024! Running total: 198,877 sats!
day 69: 44 sats on 10-8-24. total 2471⚡sats!
2-week vacation success! the cooler weather helps with unsupervised hashing.
110 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 9 Oct
case closed!
Morning sn
Although cultivating gratitude is said to be a happiness boost, I have just never taken to this practice. However, I was reading “The Happiness Project” when Gretchen Rubin’s first commandment Be Gretchen inspired me.
What would inspire Sensei? Counting the moments of happiness, of course! Happiness is so short-lived these days because of my myriad stresses. Sensei should start a Happiness Journal!
  • Decluttered my papers. Went to the recycling machine not once, but twice.
  • Compelled a student to complete his long overdue homework on the public bus. He had the misfortune to take the same bus with me, hehe.
  • Had the grand idea to compile food insights on 10 Japanese dishes in preparation for my awesome upcoming awesome lesson.
  • Finished laminating the Spelling Bee certificates. Happy to do this chore while munching on a butterfly bun blessed by a co-worker.
Today is a Happy Day!

Day 125 POD (Proof of Donation)

Day 125 Cowboy Hat Streak
Well done
Don't ever let someone tell you that you can't do something. Good day
If they say it or if they don’t either way it doesn’t even matter.
Don’t have a good day have a great day
🎶 Tell me I can't, I do it again. Tell me I can't, I'll do it again. 🎶
May the greatness of your days be strictly increasing.
Beautifully done
169 sats \ 5 replies \ @Lux 9 Oct

Snitch Hotlines

Snitch hotlines are unlawful as you do not know who made the claim against you. A crime cannot be reported anonymously as any claim made cannot be verified and is therefore hearsay. Meaning the person who made the claim cannot be cross examined in a court of law by the person who has been accused.
TLDR: speaking out "i didn't do it!" is a claim against oneself and the snitch no longer matters.
long conference talk here, trying to teach dean to not make claims that he cannot defend:
spoiler: i am led to believe that he has not learned his lesson, because he went to prison again sometime after that conference call.
0 sats \ 3 replies \ @Lux 9 Oct
unless my timeline is wrong and the internet is wrong,
looks like the conference call was 2015 and his next re-education camping ended sometime in 2017. he is fascinating, one of the first action-figures of this research.
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 9 Oct
yeah,follow Dean's advice only if you want to go to jail
so believe nothing and study everything. how long can they keep an unidentified non-consenting non-harming man behind bars?
The left is beginning to get it!
37 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 9 Oct
Saddle up boys and girls 🤠