This is our new dog. We adopted her at the end of August. She has adlusted well with our other dog:
Who seems happy to have a new canine in the house.
The new dog still wants to kill our cat, but our cat isn't the least bit afraid:
The problem: Our new dog is underweight. She just can't seem to keep weight on. She's happy, active, and has a good appetite. The vet says to increase her food. We have been doing just that.
This morning I woke up around 5am to barking. Both our dogs spend the night in their crates. Our new dog was the one making all the racket. I checked her out, and discovered she had a bad case of diarrhea that soiled her entire crate. Here is a photo:
(Just kidding)
As I always do in these circumstances, I went down to wake up my wife. She is not an early riser. She gets angry if woken up too early. Still, I am aware that I am unauthorized to tackle a cleaning project of this magnitude. I steeled myself and told her the good news. She predictably yelled at me as if I had done the foul deed. I told her I would go up and walk the dog. When I returned the house was still dark. My wife had fallen back asleep. I was left to my own devices.
Now mind you, I didn't have time for this. I had many items on SN I had to weigh in on. Still, I did my best.
She is still sleeping. There is a sense of unease throughout the house.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @oraltosun 3h
It is a dangerous and important situation for everyone. In my opinion, separate the cat from the environment. However the expert Konrad Lorenz says that they will get used to each other over time. (He calls this as "peace within the castle" )
Yes, I have had many cat/dog situations over the years, without anything near a tragic result. The cat enjoys taunting the dog and then either taking a swipe at her or running away. I'm not sure if it's a game or not, so I don't leave them together unsupervised. This same cat and our older dog grew up together, and the way they played with each other looked scary, but they both enjoyed it.
I had many items on SN I had to weigh in on.
I hope you told her this.
I wouldn’t even dare say that to my wife after giving her a mess to handle. The tongue lashing would be incredible. I would be crippled for days.
I think I'll keep that to myself.
Just curious, but what are the greyed out symbols after your nym? I understand the meaning of the cowboy hat, but the others are unknown. Are there others, too?
I can't see what you see, but stackers can choose to keep some information private. That's probably what you're seeing. You do I through settings.
The symbols look like a bucking horse and a revolver. South_korea_in has just the bucking horse symbol. I was asking about those.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 OP 18h
Oh, those. I don't know. One showed up yesterday, and the other today. If I was capable of reading code, SN is open source, and I could find out. Maybe someone has looked, or will look soon.
I was just noticing them. They didn’t seem to have been there a few days ago. But, I am a nooby and didn’t know.
Wise man.
43 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 16h
I’m sorry you had to go through that
Ugh. I do not envy cleaning a dog's cage after that. We've been lucky with our dogs, but we used to have a large cat who would freak out and have diarrhea any time he was taken in a car, and that would mean having to clean him and the carrier both when we got him to the vet, and then again when we were home.
And he was long-haired.
And as the morning person in the house, it does fall to me to deal with any overnight cat vomit, which is not a rare occurrence, as well as any other pet-related chaos (like an overturned drinking fountain) that might have occurred at night.
OTOH, I get to see sunrises, so that balances out.
I'm the early riser too. The morning solitude is worth these occasional mishaps.
Hope the pup is feeling better. Because of her intestinal issues our dog occasionally has bouts with loose stool. We keep some pills on hand to give her when it does happen. Fortunately, she has only had an accident in the house once but it definitely can be an unpleasant clean up job. I think your wife opted for the right strategy to leave you to your own devices.
She just woke up. She thought it was a nightmare.
43 sats \ 6 replies \ @fm 14 Oct
Our new dog is underweight
I often used something alike Virbac Nutri-Plus Gel. It works fine.. Not sure if you have that on US but im sure there are similar products..
a bad case of diarrhea
If its recurrent, dry food its the worst. Not sure if this is recurrent but if yes, try to avoid dry food.
Good advice, and spot on with dry food. We only serve a home made mix of real meat and grain that is made locally by a friend. Yesterday I added some puppy kibble to the mix, since it is high in calories. Big mistake.
43 sats \ 4 replies \ @fm 14 Oct
maybe that it.. if she is not used to its a probable cause. the high calorie gel always worked for my old dogs with no hassle
I really like this idea. I'm sure we can find it. Thanks for the tip.
43 sats \ 2 replies \ @fm 14 Oct
hope it works :)
Me too. I won't be trying the kibble again.
43 sats \ 0 replies \ @fm 14 Oct
I used dry for many years.. but as the dogs got older i started to see problems.. then i entered the dry food rabbit hole.. turns out its the worst you can find.. as i dropped the dry food, they got better
Bless ‘em.
I fear the sense of unease may come to its conclusion shortly…. your wife may think it was all a dream and then reality will hit her in the nostrils…
That's what I'm thinking. She might not even remember.
haha Did you end up cleaning it up? And how did the dog not get dirty?
I did clean it up to the best of my abilities. The dog managed to avoid getting dirty at all. One of her toys wasn't so lucky.
Thats good, at least she wont have to see how bad it was before. She might wake up a bit happier than if she had to clean it all. lol
Definitely. She's still sleeping
Thats a win. Just hit the cage with some diluted bleach and put a fan on will be golden by the time she wakes up. Diluted bleach is safe to use, right?