We are Cowboys
We are meant to be free and roam the frontier with our hats, horses and guns. While cowboy credits does have a nice ring to it, let's be honest, we all want to zap real sats.
I have been harping on the sheriff, @k00b, to give the cowboys some guides to help them follow the new laws. So, I am putting my sats where my mouth is and boosting this to the top of ~bitcoin beginners (I am the captain now @siggy47).
At this point you are probably all wondering "grayruby is not a technical person, he doesn't even know what an rss feed is, how is he going to produce guides for attaching external wallets?"
A fair question indeed, but one of my many talents in life is knowing when I should just stay in my lane and just rely on the brilliance of others.
Fortunately, @supratic has made some awesome guides that will hopefully make things a bit easier. I recommend you bookmark this post for easy reference when you head out on your external wallet adventure.
Reminder: I am just the messenger here. Please direct any of your questions to @supratic, @ek or @k00b
#694593 Easily attach wallet to SEND & RECEIVE sats from SN with Coinos.io and HODL #695912 Install, Run, Publish & Connect πš™πš‘πš˜πšŽπš—πš’πš‘πš to SEND/RECEIVE sats to/from SN #697132 How to Attach Your self-hosted LNbits wallet to SEND/RECEIVE sats to/from SN #704693 How to attach your LND node to RECEIVE bitcoin from SN via ThunderHub #705629 How to attach your Blink.sv wallet to SEND sats to SN with a Blink's API key #698497 How to Connect your LN node to SEND/RECEIVE sats to/from SN via NWC with AlbyHub
Happy riding and shooting! GR
98 sats \ 1 reply \ @Bee_Aye 14 Oct
nwc send / receive is the easiest way ive found
And it works really smoothly too even when leaving zero balance on SN!
Thanks for compiling this here. According to you, which is the easiest and the best?
Personally I am using Coinos with Nostr wallet connect.
Okay, I'll set it up tomorrow. If needed, will you please help me?
I will do my best but there are certainly more qualified folks than me to help you out. But if you are using coinos I think between the guide and my recollection from when I set mine up a few weeks ago, I can help if needed.
Thank you. I'll do with coinos.
I am very skeptical of these new Easter eggs. My wallet is external yet no gun and horse for me.
I’m calling BS on this
It might take a while (or until the next day) for the bookkeeping to update, not sure.
Thresholds are much higher. Let's test it out and see if we can get you a horse.
After reading koob post lightning address withdrawal doesn’t count as an external wallet receive I’ll fix that later on today with NWC
I reread the post and I'm pretty sure this lightning address withdrawal will work (see here: #723007)
You just need to put in your lightning address here: https://stacker.news/settings/wallets
70 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 14 Oct
You are right, a lightning address counts as a receive method. In fact, any wallet that says "receive" counts. That's why it says "receive".
I think @BlokchainB is confused by what happens to the SN lightning address post Nov 5th. After that date, if you don't have a receive method attached, your SN lightning address will no longer receive real sats. So if you use it on nostr and someone zaps you there, they will become CCs.
Attach a receive wallet to avoid this.
I set up my lightning address... But for some reason it says 'cannot route a payment path'.
I have been using this LND node for some time and it rarely if ever won't fulfill a payment request. I'm not sure why it can't find a path.

I have inbound liquidity... so I'm not sure.

Also... my understanding is that... once Nov 5th rolls around there will be no 'lightning withdrawal' threshold.
Any sats we receive through zaps will immediately just go to the receiving wallet?
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Oct
If you withdraw to this LN address manually, does it work?
Maybe it also depends on the payment amount since the max fee is a percentage of that. For 1%, any amount lower than 100 sats will only accept routes with no fees which might be the reason why it can't find a route.
I figured it out. I only had like... 1000 sats inbound liquidity available for the channel I had opened.
The first channel I had opened had lots of liquidty (100000+ sats inbound) but apparently no route. Then the new 'Zeus' channel I opened had a route but no liquidity. So it needed like 5000 sats liquidty... even to redeem small amounts from the 'zaplocker'.
It doesn't?
That sucks. Just typing in an ln-url or Bolt12 URI would for sure be the easiest thing to set up
Haha. I was wondering why I kept zapping 1k sats and no horse was showing up. I was determined to stop at 5k.
Shhhh. Don't reveal town secrets.
Ahh! I'm a man with a woman's mouth... Lol..can't hold my tongue.
Those are for setting up external wallets or using them frequently? I didn't really read through the commit 😬
For setup to attach external wallets to SN for sending and receiving.
Hmm then its bugged. I have nwc send and receive configure and desired balance set to zero πŸ˜…
I also have NWC send and receive setup. Not sure what the requirements are though
You should be good if it is already set up.
@ek can probably help you out.
20 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 15 Oct
It requires more than just setting them up
I found the Coinos guide the easiest for me and will probably attach this method to send . Thanks for summarizing them in a post . Will bookmark it.
I am using coinos. It is very easy to use. I have had a few failed zaps but I just retry and it usually goes through. It was a bit of work at the beginning to set it up but now it is ultimately the same. I do keep a small balance (500 sats) in my SN wallet, which is supposed to be for emergencies if coinos isn't working but unfortunately it seems to pull from that wallet first so it just gets drained as soon as I start zapping for the day.
Also the great thing about coinos is @adam_coinos_io is on SN so if you ever have questions, he can help you out.
@ek will there be a way with the cowboy credits that I can keep a reserve in the SN wallet but they only get used if my external wallet zaps are failing?
50 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 14 Oct
@ek will there be a way with the cowboy credits that I can keep a reserve in the SN wallet but they only get used if my external wallet zaps are failing?
We want to give you the option what you want to zap if you have cc and sats available so I'd imagine setting a reserve threshold would make sense.
Your cowboy credits mean nothing to me. I want your precious sats!
hahaha you start getting "my game"...
You can also link to Minibits ecash wallet using NWC. I've just test it. You have both send & receive. Only that the app must stay alive on your device.
This could be another guide! There are so many ways to do it and so many clients that could be attached to SN
Nice. Did you use @supratic's guide or you knew how to do it?
I got there on my own, then I just checked with ek to see if it was really this.
Everyone is getting a wallet... But do I actually need one connected to SN? I dont know yet... Good luck to everyone that does, though.
That's completely up to you but if you want to zap sats instead of cowboy credits you will need to grab your pistol, get on your horse and join us on the frontier.
oh, does the horse and pistol signify something to do with an external wallet? I think I will wait and see how everything goes. CC and sats are the same, right? That is what is being preached?
Yes. I am not sure what the amounts are but you get the horse for receiving a certain amount of sats each day to an external wallet and the gun is sending a certain amount of sats per day from an external wallet.
Interesting. I guess I will be rocking the hat for a while instead.
@grayruby this sis a great intro! Thanks, I'd never thought to wrap them all in this way! Grate intro for all stackers and cowboys. I really hope this will help stackers get and zap as many sats they can. CC are still useful, and it will be great to have options and select what would be the best way to reward content. I really look forward to seeing and test this new features as soon as possible.
In the meantime, stackers, cowboys, make sure you attach your wallets, feed your horses and load your guns with as many zaps you can. The wildest web corner of the internet is getting wildest everyday more.
It took me until now to see your boost. Thanks are in order, and I shall return the benefit you have bestowed in kind. I must think of a good one.
So I’ve been able to do a bunch of different connections at this point, but I still can’t seem to just zap from my phone anymore. It just gives me an invoice, which, to be honest, takes away one of my favorite parts of stacker news (just pulling out my phone, reading something, and zapping). Am I missing something here about cell phones?
83 sats \ 13 replies \ @ek 15 Oct
What wallets have you tried? If a QR code shows up, something is wrong with your wallet. The error message should be above the QR code.
Hey, if this comes up with anybody else (and I'm not sure why this would work, but it did), I detached all wallets and then set everything up again from my cell phone. Now I seem to be able to zap from anything.
I don't recall exactly but I think I also had to do something similar to get external zapping to work. Receiving was ok but zaps kept failing when I was on mobile and I believe I did the same thing. Detached and then attached again using mobile.
Yeah, although now I’m accumulating a balance here again, so back to the drawing board.
You mean in the SN wallet?
Yes, so now zapping works everywhere, but my immediate outbound has now stopped.
Did you set up the desired balance in both send and receive?
Well that’s the thing. It DOES work on my computer. I’ve done it with both an LNBITS instance and a lightning address. Neither work on my cell phone. Inbound is always good.
50 sats \ 0 replies \ @Nadia 14 Oct
With all these guides is much easier to connect to an external wallet. Thank you @supratic for writing them as well as you @grayruby for sharing.
For anyone as dumb as me @ek referred me here #698497, as state in OP, to get both my send and receive strings for Alby Hub NWC set up. Super easy.
All sats directly to and from my node now.
Great write up!
Nice. Thank @supratic for the write up. I just posted it because I wanted to boost it to get to more stackers.
Glad it helped, you are one step ahead reaching your financial sovereignty
I have been in Bitcoin for a short time, I have only used Coinos, which is very good by the way, and Wallet of Satochis.
Great, welcome! You'd definitely be able to connect Coinos to SN #694593
At the moment I'm not interested in having a wallet attached to S.N.. I think it takes away a bit of control over them.. so I'll think about it later "Maybe..
Did you see k00b's post today? #722833
You will have to use an external wallet by Nov 5 or you will just be using cowboy credits that you can zap back and forth on SN but you can never withdraw.
I'm going to read it right away πŸƒπŸƒ Thanks for the information..πŸ‘
The connection with coinos.io just seems to hang:
6m [nwc] info waiting for response ... 6m [nwc] info published pay_invoice request 6m [nwc] ok connected to wss://relay.coinos.io 6m [nwc] info sending payment: payment_hash=7c08bcc4401ffb2236120b0b7be8370ddc920bdb2d30813ef89f767d42274d8e 8m [nwc] info waiting for response ... 8m [nwc] info published pay_invoice request 8m [nwc] ok connected to wss://relay.coinos.io 8m [nwc] info sending payment: payment_hash=9270bdd1a6873506f5b1bf375c45642e1d6a10116d803abdead041b3a7a164b1 10m [nwc] info waiting for response ... 10m [nwc] info published pay_invoice request
Interesting, did you try to detach the wallet and reconnect?
Not at that moment, it seemed to be intermittent server issues with coinos.io. Their web interface was also hanging at the same time. After a couple of minutes it worked again.
Is there a deadline for attaching an external wallet? or the user could use SN wallets as long as he wants...
106 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 17 Oct
there is, see #722833
100 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 17 Oct
You don't have to attach one if you don't want.
Please read the pinned announcement for details.