Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @co574 16 Oct
I lost my horse. I demand a recount.
I support you for the demand. I think horse has something to do with the boosts.
I have decided to go Wild West. Cowboy Credits is my preferred “money”. Please respect my decision.
So last night I got a horse, along with the notification saying I'd found one.
Before I went to bed, I re-attached my receive wallet and raised my desired balance above 0 to hold some rewards for the AM.
Woke up to another notification saying I'd found a horse, but with the horse gone.
Besides the second notification being wrong, is the rest working as intended?
117 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 18 Oct
This happened to me this morning with my gun. So this is some kind of bug.
Ah ha!
And the steed has returned!
Just the notifications part is the bug, right?
I’m not sure yet. Whatever it is it’s affecting all of us at least.
21 sats \ 5 replies \ @k00b 16 Oct
hmmm the notification sounds like a bug.
Everything else seems fine, yeah.
Okay cool, thanks!
I re-attached it because my settings weren't saving while trying to update my desired balance. Sometimes it doesn't save, sometimes it does, and sometimes it timeouts out on me.
Brave on Windows.
Which wallets are you attaching?
Coin.os LN address for receiving, and Coin.os NWC for sending
21 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 16 Oct
Thanks. Coinos was having trouble yesterday so that might explain the timeout.
In any case, we still have a lot of work to do. :)
No worries, you guys are killing it with the updates.
120 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 15 Oct
The consequences of being a huge asshole are hard to measure. Most people won't argue with huge assholes, reserving that kindness for people worth the effort. Without evidence of people arguing with them, they probably conclude everyone is as lonely as they are.
Well said.
Are @siggy47 and I the only total cowboys?
Am i the only actual cowboy that lives in the actual old west?
Likely. The rest of us are Larping.
How did you get all that sick gear??
The horse is for receiving zaps to an attached external wallet. The gun is for sending zaps from an attached external wallet.
I am looking forward to getting my setup on point.
That's super cool.
Ready to duel?
No, @siggy @grayruby and behind them is @south_korea_ln
The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly. Who's who?
I'm the good here. Bollywood made a secular remake of this movie by the name Sholay
Not exactly, but yeah in parts it's the same.
I'm the ugly I guess.
I'm the ugly. Everyone wants to be the ugly. You are the only real cowboy here. Out in the desert on a horse with no name.
I just can't handle being good or bad. Maybe there can be more than one ugly.
It's true my horse has no name. Shhh. I don't have a horse yet. Not on SN or in RL as they say.
I guess in reality a horse wouldn't be useful or easy to care for in a desert?
1966. Was it the year when Siggy was born? ;)
???? That was the year I graduated law school
I've no words. I'm dumb....
I thought it was the summer of 69. You had a band and tried real hard but you quit (to practice law) and Jody got married. Should have known you'd never get far.
Jimmy Siggy
Just saying there is some similarity there.
You know? Those were the best days of my life
Forgot his pistol.
He had it yesterday but dropped today and I say he'll come back with 2.
Pew Pew
That’s a good gif 😂
We aren't horsing around.
My horse ran off during the night?
That's too bad. Horses are fickle. They need hay and water and zaps. I am sure he will return.
Day #99 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
dang already taken in 4 minutes?
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Nosireebob. I fell for this trick yesterday. He is way too prolific a commenter. haha Also, he posts too much stuff that I want to zap and I can't currently zap from my phone, which is just painful.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Taft 15 Oct
Today’s society is no longer Foucault’s disciplinary world of hospitals, madhouses, prisons, barracks, and factories. It has long been replaced by another regime, namely a society of fitness studios, office towers, banks, airports, shopping malls, and genetic laboratories. Twenty-first-century society is no longer a disciplinary society, but rather an achievement society. Also, its inhabitants are no longer “obedience-subjects” but “achievement-subjects.” They are entrepreneurs of themselves.
― Byung-Chul Han, The Burnout Society

Day 131 POD (Proof of Donation)

Day 131 Cowboy Streak
195 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 15 Oct
Been busy and I missed these new badges and how they work. I have a steed now and I don't even know its name. Feel like I need a revolver though to protect it from a pesky horse thief.
Whaaat. There are new ones?
I'm looking for cool cowgirl gifs, but I only get porn cowgirls.
The only decent one I've gotten:
10 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 15 Oct
I've been shopping for new western gifs for our error pages. Slim pickings.
207 sats \ 0 replies \ @bief57 15 Oct
Podcast run day! Bitcoin is my proof of work! Orange pilling the wife too with fountain!
Today is Tuesday, tiring work awaits someone who discusses endlessly, doesn't know where the discussion will lead, that's all.
Is it normal to receive this notification but not say what it was about?
33 sats \ 17 replies \ @k00b 15 Oct
That's just telling you that a zap you received went straight to your attached wallet.
The UI/UX here needs work. I ended up turning those notifications off which made me forget about it.
Speaking of notifications, is there any way to get notified about where referrals are coming from? I (rarely, like once a week) get a notice that I've stacked a handful of referral sats. Since I don't self-promote/link in general, I'm assuming these are from other people sharing a post or comment somewhere, but I've got no idea which posts are generating the referrals.
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 15 Oct
Not yet. But we should be able to surface it. Good suggestion.
As far as I can tell, that zap was for this post. But I only received notification of what it was after receiving the last zap on the post. After receiving the zap (14), on the site there was no change in the value staked in the post. It was at 30 sats and only increased after receiving another zap (30). 30->30->94
Zaps for the same item are aggregated into one notification and are given the sort order of the latest zap on the item.
I had already understood this but in this case several minutes passed between zap 14 and 30 and the notification of which post was zapped only appeared after the last zap (30). Between the two zaps the staked value of the post didn't change.
You can't determined if/when the stacked value of the post changed by looking at your notifications, so I'm not sure how you come to the conclusion that it didn't.
I didn't check this in notifications. After receiving the notification (14) I went to the main interface and nothing had changed.
The sequence was: [30 sats] Charted: Organization Megadonors To The 2024 U.S. Election notification 14 [30 sats] Charted: Organization Megadonors To The 2024 U.S. Election several minutes passed notification 30 [94 sats] Charted: Organization Megadonors To The 2024 U.S. Election
If you went to the main page via the back button, it wouldn't have changed.
Ever since I took snap and X off my phone I find myself on SN a whole lot more. Which I draw two conclusions:
  1. Phone addiction is real
  2. Using SN and nostr to appease my doom scrolling.
But with that said I’m always thinking of things I want to add and post to SN. But unfortunately I have a job and other obligations that don’t allow me to stay on SN and write all day long.
Bitcoin ripped past $65K, and now 94% of the crew—over 50.67 million wallets—are in the green.
But check it: around 3.37 million peeps bought in at an average of $68,139 and might be feeling a bit of FOMO.
With $145 million in shorts getting wrecked lately, it’s clear traders are hunting for those quick flips.
Plus, the RSI’s chilling at 64, so we’re definitely in overbought territory.
Source: CryptoNews
Kamala Harris promised to change Columbus Day in the US to Indigenous Resistance Day, saying: "European explorers started a wave of devastation, violence, land theft and widespread disease."
Chavez 2002:
""President Hugo Chavez on Saturday honored the memory of Venezuela's indigenous tribes, who rebelled against Spanish colonial rule, in a ceremony in which he decreed that the date of October 12 will be commemorated in the country from now on as the "Day of Indigenous Resistance." Oct 11, 2002""
The communists always give the same resentful speeches.
Fair enough, but then give away those cars, airplanes, electronic devices and everything else that has it origin in that which you're trying to kill off!
In all their speeches they contradict each other, they are unbearable, but more unbearable are the people who support them.
I've just updated on my github page an important guide about LN private nodes:
Enjoy and learn!
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 15 Oct


Starting with 5th Nov all SN DMs will be using ONLY cowboy credits. Keep that in mind.
Remember remember the 5th of November
buahahaha good one!
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 15 Oct
You can’t send cc to a lightning address, that would be considered a withdrawal
I talk about internals. Or is time for SN to separate things and create a dedicated DM section.
Do you use dms often?
yes, with powerful stackers... Keep in mind that not everything should be spoken out loud on SN. Many things happen "behind the scenes"....
Interesting. I may need to send out my bitcoin so l can get dms.
Day 299 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 873 sats on 14Oct2024! Running total: 204,140 sats!
day 75: 45 sats on 10-14-24. total 2706⚡sats!
Satoshi answered them, “i can guarantee this truth: whoever mines crypto-fiat is a slave to fiat."
Good night SN
146 sats \ 2 replies \ @suraz 15 Oct
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @Lux 15 Oct
This is funny 🤣
GM Stack Sats and stay humble.
Gm ☕️
190 sats \ 14 replies \ @Lux 15 Oct

Citizen’s Arrest

A citizen's arrest is an arrest made by a private citizen. Because the word citizen now has other connotation today, the word sovereign arrest would be better suited.
Sovereign arrest is a person who is not acting as a sworn law-enforcement official but is acting within common law.
In common law jurisdictions, the practice dates back to medieval England and the English common law, in which sheriffs encouraged ordinary people to help apprehend law breakers.
Today a living breathing man or woman can arrest another person, if they are a witness to a crime and have first-hand knowledge, however if you’re going to do this then be ready to back up your claim with an affidavit, or a declaration of truth within a court of law.
Because the average person has not already sworn an oath to uphold the law the correct procedure would be as follows.
  1. Tell the person you are placing them under arrest.
  2. Give them notice of the crime they have committed.
  3. Give them the name of the victim.
  4. Notify them that you will swear an oath to this using an affidavit.
Note: If you arrest someone in this way you are now responsible for the claim.
I had no idea this was possible. Where is this possible? USA ?
132 sats \ 12 replies \ @Lux 15 Oct
an average merican would ask the same question :)
does not matter in wich corporation you believe are in
i'm portuguese and i've never heard such a thing. I think some Portuguese people would love it if it were possible to do that here! Ahahahha
i'm portuguese
Never put yourself in a "nationalist" cage.... A sovereign individual is not part of any group or national social naming.
When you say "I am portuguese or chinese" you put yourself straight under a State jurisdiction, aka slave.
Just say "I am myself, my own country (as regional place not as state), wandering around".
I'm Portuguese because I was born in Portugal, you've misunderstood. I am a citizen of the world!
one-world citizenship is almost here. depending on who wins the control over the citizens, punishments will vary from decapitation to eternal brainwashing using EMF-emitting helmets.
once everyone uses state-controlled cryptocurrencies, the marketing of this idea will take off quickly.
Each soul is free to carve its own destiny.
At this level idk why am I trying anymore to explain it to you. YNGMI
Perhaps you still have the faith in humanity? Never giving up is also a good explanation. Or maybe just that noobies just have hard heads protected by thick skulls and endless layers of indoctrination.
Ahahah! You should have understood by now that brainwashing me doesn't work! 🤠
I’ll take all your 100k bitcoin
220 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 15 Oct
Officially 1 year of 100+ pushups per day 🤠 I started on October 15 2023, my initial goal was to do it for 7 days as a small challenge to myself. To my surprise, it wasn't that difficult to pull off, so I just kept going :) In the meantime, I've travelled from Darwin (Northern Territory, Australia) to Perth (Western Australia) to Byron Bay (New South Wales, Australian east coast) to Thailand, back to Byron, then Bali, Estonia and more recently to New Zealand. Didn't miss a day (sure, a couple of times I did the pushups well after midnight, but it still counts in my book). Where there's a will, there's a way 🤠
Day 263 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 50 normal/narrow, 21 pike, 30 diamond, 20 side-to-side, 16 pseudo, 24 staggered, 21 normal on fingertips; Total: 182 (Day 367 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 266 of 120+ pushups per day)
Happiness Journal 15/10/24
  • took a different route to work because I wanted to deposit preloved materials at the recycling machine. A chance of routine is sometimes refreshing
  • steeled myself to stay back after dismissal to key in my students’ marks. I have self-discipline.
  • standardised my external sending n receiving LN address to Blink, thanks to ek’s advice. I’m all ready for the noncustodial rollout!
I've visited local flower store yesterday.
(This is Ataturk flower) It is a very sought-after flower in Turkey at this time of year. October 29th Foundation of the Republic November 10th Ataturk's death.
wow beautiful!
Stunning 🤩
“Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil.” ― Marcus Aurelius
A Stoic Resurrection: #662497
91 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 15 Oct
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43 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 15 Oct
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