If you have an attached wallet, will you be able to do that?
I thought we would have two balances?
Correct, but I'm not sure you get to choose which to spend from. k00b had a post describing how he intends it to work and it sounded like real sats will be used whenever possible.
Is simple: I gave him the CCs inside SN, he gave me his sats outside of SN.
That's the other option I was thinking about.
Yes, this would work. But you would have to trust the other person. I can see the potential for scams to happen.
As i said: use Robosats, Mostro or any other p2p exchange with escrow / hold invoice. You put the offer in Robosats and say: payment method CC from SN. You can put whatever you want there. Seems that you are not using too much bitcoin, buying and selling...
@DarthCoin figured out the mechanics. I need to see it to understand it.
Since it hasn't even been programed yet, I don't see how anyone could have it figured out already.
Don't try to cloud the issue with facts.
I think he talk about how we could exchange the CC for sats, using Robosats or any other p2p exchange. Or simply trust.
I guess you could zap someone CC's if they didn't have a receiving wallet attached and they could send you sats from an attached sending wallet.
not necessary attached wallet to SN. Twe sats are traded outside SN. Inside SN you only exchange CCs.
Why is so hard to understand? Is like World of Warcraft gold coins. You were buying them with real fiat money outside WoW, in various pages. Inside the game users were sending to each others the token coins.
It's a parallel economy, virtual.
Wouldnt that mean one sat = one CC? If people are buying CC with sats.....wouldnt that just be the normal?
No. Your offer could be as any other trade. When you buy 1BTC is that 1 USD? No. Same with CCs. CCs are kind of shitcoin now, but used only internally.
I could make an offer for example: I sell 10k CCs for 8k sats... is all about the demand and offer. That trade HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH HOW CCs ARE USED INSIDE SN
You're right, it just occurred to me that there actually is a scenario where you can do this entirely within SN.
SN cannot and do not want to act as escrow service. You must find a 3rd party for that. And Robosats is perfect.
If you do not want to use a 3rd party, then you could use hold LN invoice. The funds are not released until you get the CCs. https://www.voltage.cloud/blog/understanding-hold-invoices-on-the-lightning-network