It can take a little while for people to start following you, especially if you're mostly posting links. Look at Rsync's posts and he's been doing it a long time.
I've also noticed that you often post later in the evening and at night, which can be kind of dead.
I often advise people to hang out in the comments until stackers get to know them. Then their posts will get more traction.
Ok, I can see what you say is reasonable. Late at night is when I can post, even if it is dead. I will look at some of Rsync’s posts, soonest.
I just meant that he posts dozens of links everyday and many of them don't get zapped at all.
because many times he post kind of garbage.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Unfortunately for him, those men are not here.
Yes, garbage for those that have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear.
I think I am posting items that will be of interest to people in those special posting areas. Econ for economics and etc. I have become to think that people do not often read the articles themselves, but comment on what they see in the post, itself.