I have zappe what I can on every post to which I reply, however, I am not seeing zaps coming my way on many posts. I now think that the zaps I have given in the past are nothing more than sunk costs. I think I should align myself with the non-zappers and let the leader board and the “rewards” take care of themselves. There is no need for original posts under the current system, is there? Perhaps not zapping is zapping wisely, no?
You might also have come to terms that many people here are likely already getting an avalanche of trump/harris information outside of SN and likely don't wanna see more of it here. I for one only zap things i wanna see more of.
But who knows, these people might come after all, so you might end up being the source people trust for this kind of information in the future.
I intentionally stop following partisan political news every October, so that's one less potential consumer right here.
Perhaps more than one, however, how do you figure out where to put your money, when you don’t know who would restrict all cryptocurrencies, except for the handy-dandy CBDC that everyone is simply clamoring for? Bitcoin?!?! Outlawed!! Then where would you be?
I follow this stuff closely (or at leas I used to) up until October. As we approach the election stories become less accurate and more manipulative, so I just ignore it all. I already no what I think and any truly important story can wait for November.
Huh???? The stories about politics are never accurate and were always very manipulative. No, the truly important stories may not be able to wait until November. NATO or nuclear? Troops on the ground in Israel? More billions for war wastage but not for NC? I don’t think some of these stories are advantaged by our ignorance. In some of these cases, ignorance is not bliss.
The stories about politics are never accurate and were always very manipulative.
It's a difference in degree, not kind.
No, the truly important stories may not be able to wait until November
I already no what I think about the topics on the table. If something crazy happens, like a nuclear strike, then I'm sure I'll hear about it. It's not likely to change my opinion about anything, though.
I recommend trying it. You'll find when November rolls around that you really didn't need to get all worked about any of this stuff in the moment. If the same level of attention were being paid throughout the year, there would be even more things to be outraged about.
I guess the difference in degree would be about same as the difference between the 3rd degree and the 33rd degree. Sometimes the difference in degree is like the difference between survival and non-survival. I just do not choose non-survival, if I can help it.
This is the fourth year I've done this and there's never been a single story that I regretted not following in the moment.
You can do a simple test with yourself. A month from now, look back through your posts and count how many of those stories you're still talking about.
I understand not wanting to stand in the deluge of partisan propaganda and kaka. I thought there was a different point of view of the posts I was making. However, I guess it is not unique enough.
some posts deserve to be zapped. By "zap wisely" I am not saying to not zap at all.
Perhaps no zaps is zapping wisely in an environment where there is no reciprocity.
I don't believe in reciprocity. I believe in truth and good content. I will not zap you because you zapped me in the past. I will zap you because I will consider that your post deserve it.
Do you think there will be zaps of sats when there doesn’t appear to be reciprocity? Without some reciprocity, perhaps the whole zap system will go down in flames. If you get so finicky on zapping, you may find that there are no posts and comments to zap.
You see, I saw many here zapping 10-20-30-50 sats on any comment, just for the sake of zapping, with the mindset that if they zap on each comment they see will get more in daily rewards.
That's wrong behavior and they will regret each sat thrown away. In the beginning I was also zapping each reply that people gave me. But then I realized that those zaps are for nothing, for a simple reply, for example like you just did "Understood"... is like a confirmation. So I really need to zap you because you understood? No.
Ah you came back and with a reply where you explain something and that answer is useful for me or I like it, then yes, you get my sats.
As I said: zap the good content and zap wisely, not erratically. Damn it are real sats these... WE ARE PAYING FOR EACH POST OR COMMENT HERE. This is what really matters, but people still don't get it.
The leaderboard is a nice game, but you should be aware that you are playing around with real sats, not crap shitcoins.
I've gone through the same evolution on zapping replies.
I need to get more on board. I might be too generous with my zaps.
OK, I guess receiving no zaps might be the remedy for over generosity in the past. I think getting with the program may get you many more steps up the board. It is a conundrum.
It depends what you want to incentivize. I don't go as far as Darth, but I don't feel obligated to zap replies. I am fine with zapping relatively minor comments if they're serving the conversation that's going on.
Thank you for the useful reply. Don’t zap this.
It can take a little while for people to start following you, especially if you're mostly posting links. Look at Rsync's posts and he's been doing it a long time.
I've also noticed that you often post later in the evening and at night, which can be kind of dead.
I often advise people to hang out in the comments until stackers get to know them. Then their posts will get more traction.
Ok, I can see what you say is reasonable. Late at night is when I can post, even if it is dead. I will look at some of Rsync’s posts, soonest.
I just meant that he posts dozens of links everyday and many of them don't get zapped at all.
because many times he post kind of garbage.
One man's trash is another man's treasure. Unfortunately for him, those men are not here.
Yes, garbage for those that have eyes that do not see and ears that do not hear.
I think I am posting items that will be of interest to people in those special posting areas. Econ for economics and etc. I have become to think that people do not often read the articles themselves, but comment on what they see in the post, itself.