I’ve been using Unchained Capital for quite a few years and have been very happy with them. They had a modest set up fee for my multisig vault and besides set up I just contacted them to double check my UTXO consolidation. Overall very pleased with them.
We’ve talked before about inheritance planning on SN and for me I’m the most technical in my succession plan as of now (let’s see how my boys are as they get older). While technical I also don’t personally feel comfortable being 100% responsible for my entire stack given the future value I’m assuming so I like having assistance if needed. Yeah yeah I get Bitcoin is for the fully sovereign individual, but it’s also for Everyone who wants freedom money.
Ok ok so now, Unchained is charging $250 a year for support. This is a big increase from $0, but not a % of your stack so depending on how much you have, this is a lower fee than trad fi. I am planning to pay the fee this year as it’s due in a few weeks. Anyone else feel comfortable sharing that they use Unchained? I also see they have a section for a discount code. A long shot, but anyone else know how to get one so that I can preserve some sats?
Other than unchained capital I know there are other multi sig set ups that I may look into. On ramp sounds interesting. Anyone use them?
Lastly to follow up on inheritance, Unchained has some free material:
Detailed plan: https://8198895.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/8198895/Unchained%20Inheritance%20Protocol.pdf