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Happy Sat-urday Stackers,
Have a great weekend!
Top Posts
  1. Why stablecoins and stablechannels are dumb
    • @supertestnet argues that stablecoins and stablechannels suffer from all of bitcoin's problems while suffering from the problems of fiat currencies too.
    • 16.1k sats \ 51 comments \ @supertestnet
  2. Bitcoin’s False Dichotomy between SoV and MoE - by Roy Sheinfeld, Breez
    • @roy argues that store of value and medium of exchange are mutually reinforcing, not opposing.
    • 30.3k sats \ 10k boost \ 29 comments \ @_ds
  3. Bet on the US election with sats on bitcoinprediction.market
  4. We don’t need more bitcoin merchants
    • Plenty of merchants accept bitcoin, but too few customers spend bitcoin says @saunter.
    • 2.3k sats \ 45 comments \ @saunter
  5. Stacker Sports Pod • Episode 1: It's all downhill from here • Listen on Fountain
Top AMAs
  1. Fountain AMA - Oscar Merry (2)
  2. I'm Max DeMarco an independent Filmmaker AMA
Upcoming AMAs
Don't miss

Top meta

Top Monday meme

Top Friday fun fact
penguins, in fact, have knees.

Top Stackers
  1. @grayruby: 106.1k sats stacked
  2. @Undisciplined: 76.5k sats stacked
  3. @IamSINGLE: 46k sats stacked
  4. @south_korea_ln: 41.6k sats stacked
  5. @ek: 41.5k sats stacked

Top Spenders
  1. @ek: 133.9k sats spent
  2. @HYPERBITCOINZATION: 132.7k sats spent
  3. @BlokchainB: 118k sats spent
  4. @ch0k1: 104.8k sats spent
  5. @nout: 102.6k sats spent

Top Cowboys
  1. @BitcoinIsTheFuture: 407 days
  2. @Undisciplined: 389 days
  3. @OneOneSeven: 382 days
  4. @BlokchainB: 368 days
  5. @TNStacker: 364 days

Top Boosts
  1. Bet on the US election with sats on bitcoinprediction.market
  2. Everything Engineer #2 \ Stacker News \ Austin or Remote
  3. Will you help us make the alter_native dream a reality 🙏
  4. Microbolt v2 is here
  5. Fountain 1.1.5 - Simpler Library, Pay BOLT-11 Invoices and Artist Pages

Yeehaw, Keyan A guy who works on Stacker News
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I loved the podcast from @grayrubyand @Undisciplined. I'm anxiously waiting for the next.
Me too!
Big spenders this week. Didn’t even crack the top 5.
You didn't spend that much. I saw you always make to the both.
I made a couple zaps as anon. Shhhh don’t tell anyone.
A meme for bullying @anon.
Look ma! I’ve been featured in @k00b “Top Meta” for every week I’ve been on Stacker News! Three weeks in a row!
Had I joined SN sooner, my rank would have been lower than the top.