Howdy there, partner! Welcome on into the Stacker Saloon.
Saddle on up to a stool and spill the beans about your day, fire away with them questions, or let loose and give us the lowdown on your wild and woolly life. We're all ears, so don't hold back!
We're open round the clock, so mosey on in whenever you please!

💥 JABBB #09 :: Bitcoin Flower God

#736552 New weekly comics & memes contest on the ~Design territory!
₿ creative and have fun!
Is there a way to put captions on images in SN markdown?
29 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 23h
Not yet but you can use <sup>some caption</sup>
like this
as consolation
| ![]( | | :---: | | Siegerland |
99 sats \ 3 replies \ @k00b 22 Oct
Make the change you want in the world profitable.
I've been trying to explain this to the carbon credit market people (and perhaps environmentalists more generally).
If you accept that human activity plays a significant role in climate change, it did so because people made money. Undoing the situation probably needs to be profitable, too.
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @nym 23 Oct
Hi @k00b @Car @ek, I couldn't afford to post this in ~meta but got this error when trying to preview my post in which I was using markdown. Here are the details:
Component stack: 18730/i7/<@ o@ az@ pre li ul tW@ y@ div 18730/aD<@ div div div div 9817/b<@ ex@ ey@ form 20512/iP<@ ix@ eP@ O@ div div 4986/t.ZP<@ div B@ J@ div y@ a@ et@ main 97375/u<@ tc@ a@ D@ d@ p@ Z@ P@ s@ y@ g@ P@ l@ d@ c@ c@ l@ c@ b@ D@ er@ p@ $@ Q@ es@
Was there anything remarkable about the markdown?
102 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 22 Oct
I have to keep myself from refactoring code because if my emotions had a choice it's all they'd want me to do. Codecaine.1


  1. is taken dangit.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @k00b 22 Oct
Refactoring code is one part prepper energy, two parts one-bag minimalism.
52 sats \ 2 replies \ @k00b 22 Oct
Bitcoin Magazine is publishing obvious AI-written articles now. The end is nigh.
And the beginning.
I was sent a Bitcoin Magazine in the mail. It was almost beautiful but it wasn't. It was difficult to read, text all over the place, too busy and it was shit composed by too many editors. In the late 1980s I read Maximum Rock-N-Roll, Chemical Imbalance, ReSearch Magazine and they were busy but beautiful to read. On Twitter I hated Bitcoin Magazine for posting a breaking story with no link to the source.
Bitcoin Magazine is run by too many people and it sucks and it shows suck. It needs a strong editor who doesn't give a fuck and can write about great things and make a beautiful rag as well as spot on content for the interwebs.
Hi, good afternoon, One week ago, in monday my grandmother death. I feel emptiness and sadness but I hope my grandmother feel good emotional and phisic in heaven with God. Why do I say that? I'll explain. My grandmother greatly adored the Polish Pope John Paul II, she had a picture of him in the living room and in the hallway. His bust also stands in the living room, and even my aunt, a nun, had a picture of him in my grandmother's album. My grandmother's funeral was on October 16, the anniversary of his election as pope, so the chronology is OK, but it's an interesting coincidence. That the pope's closeness to my grandmother's life was reflected in the date of the funeral. Grandma always said no at 3:00 p.m., so exactly to the minute the doctor at the hospital said that she died at that hour, exactly to the minute, the day of her funeral was beautiful in terms of the weather and it simply gave me some peace because she simply died very harmoniously with her life. Sorry that instead of mutilating the text with my poor English I used a translator throughout, but many of the words in the text about funerals are still unknown to me.
Sounds like your grandma had a soul relationship with the Pope. Now many conspiracy therapists like myself may think that a lot of evil goes on in that Vatican but I also subscribe to the, "if anyone is human then at some point they impressed God spiritually enough to enjoy a human birth in order to work out the kinks in the spiritual life."
I sincerely believe this.
I wish your grandmother, you and all those connected a journey of love, wisdom and happiness. Thank you for sharing this.
Thank you for wishes, on the subject of faith I really see the current head of the Vatican negatively, it would be hard not to, but I see John Paul II well, however I believe in God, I go to the Catholic church and I recognize that as a believer God will judge me whether I did good or not but I see movements in the wrong direction so I pray, I pray, I look with scandal at what is happening but I believe in God not in the Pope, the Pope was elected by these people, they can be wrong
Considering what he is doing, it would be hard not to see him negatively. The changes are mindnumbing. I guess he would like to avoid some of the homosexual priest problems with the congregations.
The big problem is trying to make religion conform to secular godless life. It's not necessary.
It's also 🤡🌎.
The purpose of human life is to connect with the supreme. There is no other purpose. The Supreme Godhead doesn't demand this. The Supreme Godhead merely allows individuals to do their own thing. Eventually the individual runs out of steam and realizes that he is she is part of the Supreme and is also a minor reflection but is also totally in the dark regarding omnipotence.
We all work for the Supreme Godhead. Even the evil degenerate demons of men and lower energy beings. They can do whatever they want because they have the freedom to do so, however they quickly burn up all their good deeds which led to a higher life and the degenerate into the animal realm and worse.
It's a matter of repentance, salvation and coming to the Godhead with joy and love. God is no boring old man. God is a vibrant personality of Godhead and he loves to play and have a good time while uplifting us in the process as we are not our human bodies.
If you have good connections at your church then it's an organic thing and that is sincerely where you need to be. Me, I'm a Hare Krishna guy and the Hare Krishna's are full of nonsense, bad actors and the worst of the worst, but... The line of practice that goes back hundreds to thousands of years is like an open source model that needs to be coaxed out by practice, devotion, prayer and connection. For this there is a direct conduit to the supreme and the supreme reveals exactly what we need when we need it.
It also helps when we recognize others who are sincerely devotees to the Supreme Godhead. It's not about the quantity of devotees it is about the quality. All are serving God regardless of what they believe or what evil they think they serve. This is clearly stated in the Shrimad Bhagavatam and the Bhagavad-Gita. It's also in the Bible Old and New Testament. It's by mindful service that we gain happiness and it is by mindless materialism that we suffer immensely not because God is cruel but because God gives us the freedom to roll our own reality and we learn that it's more fun to serve because God is serving us anyway and he doesn't have to but he wants to.
10 sats \ 0 replies \ @BononXD 17h
I do exactly as you say, as they say in Poland "the fish rots from the head down", the fact that the highest in the hierarchy are rotten doesn't hurt me to continue to be a believer and as one of the people at the bottom
89 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
Oh.. I know. It's the day stacker is going full non custodial. I won't tell anyone that you didn't know.
We all gonna die anyways
And when I had genuine questions, k00b thought I was trolling...
Wow! What a mind numbing retard and innumerate fool. What part of 2.1 Quadrillion does he not understand? Furthermore regarding mSats 2.1 Quintilian. Bitcoin on chain will be used for SETTLEMENT of accounts that all day, week, month, and year circle in level 2 scenes! Level two might be a spreadsheet that me and my vendors have that we set up by a club of signature, multi-signature relationships and we settle once a month or year.
He can even create a paper fiat based on the Bitcoin standard where it is worth 1 mSAT and it is denominated in it's own thousandths. They are so fucking retarded it kills me. It's just the desire to Front Run Price Discovery by having a money printer.
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @Kontext 22 Oct
Day 270 of the #100aDayTil100k challenge, sets breakdown: 3x42 normal/narrow; Total: 126 (Day 374 of 100+ pushups per day in total; day 273 of 120+ pushups per day)
Nice work! I was totally in and then I went totally out. I'm sure you've gained great physical wisdom.
Day #106 of nut 🌰 dropping 🥜 in the Saloon
Want to harvest this nut?
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 22 Oct
establishing the nut standard
do you intend to ever stop nutting?
Cashu is the only Bitcoin I've ever lost and I don't trust it.
damn how come this one is too long? I thought the length was proportional to the amount of sats, but it seems to be the usual amount.
Spending the nut to zero in the mint
70 sats \ 15 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
boating accident in the future: I accidentally converted all my sats into cowboy credits
I'm selling Cowboy Credits as an Eth token! You can use them with my npub....
But in all honesty I have another account here and I logged in and forgot what kind of trickery I did that is why my @ogfomk is not available to me.
Ha Ha on ME!
I lost my cowboy credits boosting anonymously a SN post
167 sats \ 9 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
You don't have to pay taxes if you give someone something that you can not pay taxes with.
finally ek starting to make funny memes!
0 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
is this why you don't use attached wallets? because you're afraid to pay taxes?
I got you @DarthCoin
I have many years not paying taxes. Why should I be afraid? I just don't. I saw so many shit in my life that almost nothing can make me afraid...
You should not be afraid of taxes, but by those that are paying them... they are the most dangerous because they believe in the most dangerous superstition: THE STATE.
Since the Sanskrit word for truth is SAT. You can not tax the truth because it incentivizes lying. So I guess that is why we pay taxes in fiat because the declaration is a lie.
10 sats \ 3 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
funny thing: the room is THE STATE. But many people do not want to see it, or they are afraid to see it. I am not in that room anymore...
20 sats \ 1 reply \ @k00b 22 Oct
You can use a bunch of tools to improve code readability and reliability or you can just write good code.
Or just write good. Or write better. Or write
132 sats \ 1 reply \ @kepford 22 Oct
Entertaining to watch how many are surprised by Saylor's recent interview. He's a statist. I don't use this term to insult him. No more than I take any offense at his comments. It doesn't matter. There will be many more like him. Get used to it. We are the weirdos.
deleted by author
New Video Today: Billionaire Paul Tudor Jones | "All Roads Lead To Inflation...We're Going To Be Broke Really Quickly... I'm Long Bitcoin"
amazed by how well the body adapted, enjoying snowy time atm yet I don't feel that cold. ❄️
Are you used to snow? My impression is that you're from a fairly warm place.
38 sats \ 0 replies \ @Natalia 12h
Are you used to snow?
no, I hate the cold to be exact; I went somewhere to learn something, then happen to snowing around, and well... I might as well enjoy it. 😂
The horse, hat and gun are supposed to influence things? Can I ask, does that hat influence anything? Does it just show commitment?
10 sats \ 6 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
It might influence stackers’ opinion of you 👀
I am not influenced so easy by some icons.
Except the cowboy hat, the rest are free...
Making them pay is the only way to get true, mostly thoughtful non-bot responses and opinions. Aldi’s does something like it with their shopping carts to avoid the necessity hiring someone to round them up and bring them back where they belong. After all, it is only a quarter.
The last 21 cowboys havent changed in forever. lol Whos opinion am I influencing?
nobody, is just a game
10 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 22 Oct
writes down secret notes about @Satosora
Haha, writing is so old school. You have to screenshot haha
16 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 22 Oct
The gas station for all REAL bitcoiners.
M. Saylor will not dare to go there
0 sats \ 5 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
What’s special about ANCAP? Sounds Australian.
Naah, sounds Austrian!
Are you not informed about latest jokes about Saylor? ancap = anarco-capitalist
ANCAP is just the name of a gas station in Uruguay ( A simple coincidence but is fun to mention busting Saylor's balls.
0 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
Meh, not your best joke
it's just an additional joke from yesterday. You are not a jokes man, I know. And you are not an ancap neither...
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
You are not a jokes man, I know.
It’s getting funnier
I'm doing the sum of my hat, horse, and gun streaks now.
It's 1 sat for 1 day For horse and gun as well or you're doing better for them?
Just 1 sat for each day.
I'd rather think of something different to do with each of them, but that's what I'll do for now.
Tell me when you do it. When I'll be riding a horse, I'll also need a strategy.
Working on my fall to do list while listening to some Bitcoin pods!
I read that as "my fail to do list" and thoughts "Me too!"
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @suraz 22 Oct
Day 306 of posting mining earnings from the day before: 848 sats on 21Oct2024! Running total: 210,187 sats!
day 82: 41 sats on 10-21-24. total 3014⚡sats!
31 sats \ 1 reply \ @suraz 22 Oct
21 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 22 Oct
21 sats \ 9 replies \ @chess 22 Oct bot
A new chess game has been started!
Reply with a move like e5 to continue the game. See here for details.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @chess 22 Oct bot
invalid move: 6
102 sats \ 0 replies \ @nym 22 Oct
You could do something like d6, d5, e6, or e5, or other moves. Using x is when you are capturing another piece.
  • K = King
  • Q = Queen
  • R = Rook
  • B = Bishop
  • N = Knight
  • (no letter) = Pawn (Pawns are referred to by the squares they move to; they don’t get an individual letter.)
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @chess 22 Oct bot
invalid capture move for pawn: c4
4 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 22 Oct
Reply with only the move to continue a game; without a mention. Mention triggers a new game.
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @chess 22 Oct bot
failed to create new game from item 735169: invalid capture move for pawn: c4
231 sats \ 0 replies \ @Lux 22 Oct

Confrontation Begins

Although their end goal is to carry out a very real assault on you and defraud your estate, you must wait until they make an actual fraudulent claim before you can strike back and make your counter claim.
To begin, they will try and make an offer to you, so treat it as such. You must act accordingly, in a respectful and honourable way. Whatever you do, never allow your emotions to take control.
Try and keep the ego in check and never resort to aggressive gestures early on.
You cannot make any retaliatory threats until they have threatened you. They must make the first move of aggression, so you can then lawfully respond in self-defence.
Please remember that the initial contact is only an offer; their goal is to contract with you. So it is your goal to gain vital information from them, BEFORE they make their invalid and unlawful claim of contract.