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AMAZING 3hrs OF GARBAGE SALAD. I am saving you 3 hrs of your precious time for not watching it. Or you will...
15M views = 15M fools that were manipulated by the algo.
Imagine telling someone 15 years ago that the host of fear factor and the host of the apprentice talking to each other on a podcast would be the most important political event of 2024. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
LOL this world is so fucked up.
Imagine telling someone 15 years ago that the host of fear factor and the host of the apprentice talking to each other on a podcast would be the most important political event of 2024. 😂😂😂😂😂😂 LOL this world is so fucked up.
great insigth.. society is ill for a long time now
Hahahaha I haven’t watched it and don’t plan on it. What a great way to describe the video. Two television hosts discussing bullshit is “super important”
LOL this world is so fucked up
The question to me is whether clown world has peaked or whether we've still got more clowning to go
The circus just pitched the tent, tickets aren’t even on sale yet…
I think is just the beginning...
oh, man....
What did you expect? When presidential candidates goes to podcasts just to earn some meaningless votes. Imagine after... tiktok presidential videos signing bills while dancing naked?
This is an endless shitshow now... totally IDIOCRACY
Idiocracy and V for Vendetta.
My two favorite documentaries.
LOL soon Disney will make a remake from both in one movie... Imagine how will be with Guy Fawkes being a fat woman 😂😂😂😂😂
the world is fucked indeed. 8 more days of this shit show and then the real shit show starts:)
I’m going to catch heat for this, I’m sure, BUT I think this is great.
Mind you, I’m a Bitcoiner and formerly would have self-classified as a libertarian. However, despite all the issues with the two party system, Trump is clearly the candidate of reason.
Headline hysteria would have liberals and NPCs alike believing this man is literally Hitler…
And then you find out he’s just a dude. Just a dude on the JRE podcast, word salad and all, who has a vision to restore some semblance of normalcy to a country wrought with neo-Marxist gay race communism.
Might have lost some people on the last sentence but I see no lies.
America was great and has fallen into decline, there’s no denying.
IF, and big if, Trump delivers on no income tax and raising tariffs, America prospers. Even if it’s just a more business friendly policy agenda, America prospers. Secure borders? America prospers…etc.
You don’t have to like the guy and I wouldn’t recommend anyone glorify ANY politician but the fact remains the other candidate is literally a retarded Marxist and America certainly doesn’t need any more of that.
TLDR; this podcast gives people more exposure to the only sane (albeit imperfect — but aren’t we all) candidate running, who despite endless media attacks, lies and multiple assassination attempts is running on pure adrenaline at 79 (or however old he is) doing multiple rallies a day and trying to save this country.
If you’re not American and have an opinion on this, kindly GFY 😉
Thanks for listening to my rant. I paid a whole satoshi to say this.
Much love 🧡 🇺🇸
Trump is hardly "just a guy". That's exactly what he isn't. Even if he were, I would hope the American people would want something better than that.
As for tariffs, I tend to trust mainstream economists and agree that they are generally a bad idea and will inevitably produce more inflation.
I tend to trust mainstream economists
didnt expect to read this on stacker.news
I had the same reaction 😂
did the Tariff Act of 1930 cause or exacerbate inflation?
We do not need to defer to mainstream economists to understand that tariffs both incur increased cost on the host countries consumers and create a false advantage for host nation manufacturers. The net benefit is not to the host nation, nobody except the governments budget benefits, - but as a short term 'fix' and political strategy, tariffs have a long history. They do not address the fundamental problem- the USA and the west more generally are fat and bloated having consumed far more of the planets resources for decades than they produce and sustaining this long after they enjoyed trade surpluses. Sustaining it via ceaseless fiat debt issuance and debasement. Trump does identify the source of the problem- China - but he has not real solution to the fact that they have won the trade war by building a more productive and hungry less bloated manufacturing economy. Tariffs might buy a little time and slow down the decline, but they will not fix the fundamental problem. China, with BRICS becoming the dominant economy and nation globally seems now almost inevitable. Tariffs being imposed also have a long history of preceding wars.
precisely this!
Gee, have to admit after watching this I feel challenged. In particular the feeling that Trump is genuine on a certain level that other politicians are not comes through strongly- his claim that all previous presidents were either professional politicians (93%) or from the military (7%) and that he is the first from a primarily business background reinforced that impression. Trump is also clearly articulate and intelligent in a way that does not come through as well in MSM clips and reports. Who do you believe?!?
Articulate and intelligent? I think people are hearing what they want to hear. I've read entire transcripts of his speeches and am not impressed. He is a master of manipulating the media, but he is very clearly not "intelligent" in any way we normally use the term. And he is in no way "articulate" -- He is the most poorly-spoken president I've heard speak (or whose transcripts I've read).
Also, I think Jimmy Carter could qualify as having been a businessman (and in the American way, not inheriting his wealth).
I guess I meant intelligent in terms of thinking on your feet hustle and certainly in building a narrative that makes you look good. IMO he does succeed in that in the Rogan podcast. Good point about Carter although wasn't he a state Governor (ie politician) prior to being President?
this was a rambling hot pile of garbage
if you only read headlines then you ramble like this.
so so dumb.
The bullish thing about these podcasts they've been doing is it'll probably be better if legacy media and legacy debate die in favor of podcast tours and debates there
I watched part of the VP debate and it felt like stepping in a time machine back to 2008-2012. It's done. Boring. Canned. Scripted. Yawn worthy and fake sound bite bs. And let's not start with the moderators and 2min per topic.
Make 1-3h podcast tours the norm for the future of candidate debates and public exposure.