After I published V0.1 of the Stacker News Media Kit, I had a little back-and-forth with @DarthCoin and he convinced me that what makes stacker news so amazing is not earning sats but rather that you have to pay to post. @nichro even made the perfect obervation that Pay To Post is P2P
After some thought, I spent some time making some memes and decided that we just need a bunch of memes that are all about pay to post because that's one of the many things that makes Stacker News truly amazing.
If you're not sure why paying to post matters, here's @028559d218 explaining why P2P is so important.
Here are the rules for this memechain.
- You must only share memes that reference pay to post, p2p, value for value, and v4v.
- You can summit as many memes as you like. Keep in mind that you have to pay to post and comment.
Bonus Zaps for particularly clever memes with pay to post involving Darth Vader
Let the memes flow...but you pay to post them.