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This pool is fun but not many people seem to be voting. How do we fix that?
this territory is moderated
Is useless for me. Music must not be "voted" but listened.
I tried by tagging in some stackers but ultimately had to leave it for it didn't work well.
Although, I've some other plan as well where we have a few stackers as judges just like we have in Reality Shows.
Yeah tough one. There is really no incentive for anyone to judge. I zapped a lot of the songs people posted but that's not really in my best interest. I was just doing it for fun.
As @siggy47 is already the Voice, If I'd be successful to persuade him to be the judge for November, I'll zap him 5k sats for his efforts.
I think @Public_N_M_E should be the judge, jury and executioner since he is the captain of this music ship.
I second that emotion:
Yes, you're right. @Public_N_M_E can be the jury. Executioner as well if he likes.
Yeah sure I'll do what I can. Don't mistake me for someone important though, I'm just the muppet sinking Sats to keep the territory afloat. 🤣🤣.
But I'd be happy to judge, I've been quite busy lately but I'll definitely try.
The problem with a judge system is that it's very subjective and is very opinion based, and yeah I do know my music and I can judge on some subjective elements it's always going to come down to my personal opinion. Which may give an unfair advantage to genres I prefer. They always say know your audience, you put something down you know I'll like, you're not sharing music for the sake of sharing music you're catering to my tastes. Which takes the open nature away. I do however recognise that the voting system isn't getting the engagement it requires to be an effective system.
I don't have the answer on how to resolve that... But what I can do is at least try a different way and see if it's successful. You're doing good work @Coinsreporter with the pools and I don't want to see them and your efforts go to waste. So if you need me to judge a competition every now and again then that's what I'll do.
Unfortunately I am going to be on an extended business/leisure trip for a big chunk of November, but thanks for thinking of me. You can zap this reply.
Absentee ballots? Nah. Never mind.