This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
Is Stacker News a company?, I remember reading about people investing in it or something like that...
Can I invest with sats? :)
Been studying Wampum for some days now. Did you know the Native Americans used their money for storytelling and messaging? Then...SN is the next Wampum. Value and messaging one again.
It would be great if I could flip a setting that would change 5202 sats/$ into Moscow Time
just click on it ;-) edit nevermind
Moscow time is block height which we don't have
No it's sats per dollar.
This is the (hilarious and ridiculous) tweet that started it all
yeah i screwed up. now i want may 2 sats back
Just discovered SN yesterday. Very interesting community. Looking forward to stacking with you!
welcome! Have some sats
sats the way!
Yesterday I learned that I save 0.02€ per 25€ buy order if I do a limit order slightly below the current price instead of a market order.
This way, I only pay maker fees (0.16%) instead of taker fees (0.26%).
Thinking long-term here, haha
I just learned that Q-tip is NOT meant for cleaning the ear πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Haha yes, learned that only a few months ago. I was told that you should clean your ear by rinsing it with water. But I wasn't brave enough yet since it feels really weird to get water into your ear. I use tissue now for now.
Yes, water is the way.
And I also read that ancient Indians used sesame oil ( I have not tried this one yet πŸ‘€ ), or we can leave it alone, our body will take care of it!
My friend bought what is essentially a silicone screw with a camera on the end for removing his ear wax. For some reason his earwax accumulates and he would have to go to the doctor to get it removed.
Now he does it at home :'D
Printed out some designs created with card generator at
Today I'm taking a day off from coding and playing a carpenter instead - I'm building a small cabin 😁
Have a great day ahead!