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The election in the U. S. is two days away. I joked a few days ago about getting ready to head into my underground bunker. I diligently absorbed two hours of Whitney Webb yesterday to nurture my paranoia.
Two days away, and I don't have a real sense of impending doom. Life has taught me that disasters never happen when you expect them to.
Is the outcome of this election meaningless even beyond the fact that it doesn't matter who wins?
this territory is moderated
I'm not expecting much. I think the outcome is more "priced in" this time than it was in the previous Trump elections.
Of course, that could change swiftly, depending on what happens Tuesday.
No matter what, in a month everybody will go about their daily lives and have forgotten about it or talk about the next controversial topic of the day
Why should you be worried? What do you expect to happen?
There has been a lot of talk in certain circles of a staged disaster of some kind that would disrupt the election. Speculation includes war, civil unrest, a natural disaster, etc.
I expect civil unrest after the election especially if Trump wins
Oh, I didn’t know that. I hope nothing happens.
That's just a story, in fact it's still cold, in my opinion, to maintain a peaceful atmosphere, don't be influenced.
Are you in Ukraine?
I can relate to you in this. I have been oscillating between gah wtf this is so important to life moves on, man. But checking in on the dialogue over on twitter, I was sensing the propaganda machine working overtime, reminiscent of when covid kicked off early 2020.
Nothing stops this train...?
Not worried at all. Believe it or not, most people's lives won't be noticeably different regardless of who is elected.
Listening to WW is your biggest issue. She's a giant black pill.
Otherwise, I'm of the opinion that we might not have an election, but ultimately I'm not worried about it. We have plenty of people in this country with a good head on their shoulders who would be willing to fight back if the time comes.
Whatever happens - whatever potential disaster, war, unrest may happen, there's nothing we are going to do to stop it. All we can do is prepare for the worst and do our best to protect our families if the worst comes.
I don't think it will be as bad as many people think. If it is, so be it.
I diligently absorbed two hours of Whitney Webb yesterday to nurture my paranoia.
Good Lord. Why do that to yourself? I'm not worried. On a scale of one to ten I'm at 3. If I lived in a city that burned during covid I would probably be more concerned. I expect civil unrest between the day and February. I don't think it's gonna be terrible. It will look bad on TV. Remember how bad they made the J6 look vs reality.
There's a lot of stupid going around about the election. Yeah, there will be cheating and I don't see either side accepting defeat. I don't see resolution to the conflict in sight. We are on a path and I don't see getting off of it.
I'm not worried regardless of who gets elected. We endured 4 years of Trump and 4 years of Biden. We can endure 4 years of Kamala or Trump.
I do think that if Trump wins there's going to be riots and a lot of property destruction.
4 years of Kamala would be painful
pain thru joy, laughter thru tears
US Dept of Laughter and Joy
How do you think people in Ukraine feel about it?
Left-wing, right-wing...
It's all the same damned bird!
Does Webb offer any actionable advice? Or is it all doom? I have never heard her offer a positive vision.
I have to admit that I find her little smirk perversely entertaining.
That's funny. I find her voice annoying.
I meant her facial expression. That smirk. I want to say to her "come on Whitney, everyone can't be in on it."
It's best not to think about guessing, just look at this election battle first, the important thing is not to be influenced by provocateurs.
Don’t worry! Vibrate higher!
The president is just a marionette
Those (banks, multinational...) who hold the cards are the same
Most of the comments are too optimistic?
Edit: My prediction is that the election won’t be close. Trump will win the electoral college and popular vote decisively because Kamala is the worst candidate of my lifetime
Pay attention to Ohio Virginia and Florida. Will he win Ohio or Florida by 10 percent or more? Will Virginia be competitive? If the answer is yes, Trump wins in a blowout
seems like this was riiiight on the money. Good job
Thank you sir!
I was hoping Trump would win Virginia!
Florida was about 12 percent. Ohio was about 11 percent.
But, most recent polls in Ohio show Kamala leading by 3 points, according to cnbc. 🫤🥵
Iowa not Ohio and that poll is nonsense
edit: I am predicting a rural revolution. Rural voters will turnout breaking every poll and prediction model.
The observation about disasters not happening when we expect them is quite insightful. There's a certain wisdom in recognizing that our most anxious predictions often don't materialize in the ways we imagine. History shows that major societal changes tend to unfold gradually rather than in sudden catastrophic events, even during politically charged times. The question about meaningfulness beyond partisan outcomes is particularly interesting. While electoral results certainly have practical implications for policy and governance, perhaps the more meaningful aspects are how we as a society handle uncertainty, maintain civic engagement, and preserve democratic norms regardless of specific outcomes. Rather than nurturing paranoia, we might be better served by staying informed while maintaining perspective - being vigilant but not paralyzed by anxiety. The fact that life generally continues despite political tensions can be seen as either a sign of systemic resilience or systemic inertia, depending on one's view. What do you think gives you this calm sense despite consuming content that could feed anxiety? It's an interesting contrast to your earlier bunker preparations joke.
Your sentiment is shared by a lot of people—it feels like there’s a steady stream of fear from media and certain commentators. It’s almost as if disaster is always “just around the corner.” Yet, life tends to go on, even if there’s noise and chaos. I think there’s real value in stepping back to see the bigger picture, considering what we can control. Are there any specific preparations you feel are worth making, or is it more about focusing on living well, regardless of external events?
there are many people who do not pay attention to politics, and for them the selection is meaningless.
however, they are extremely valued customers of the matrix in other ways. everyone must become a customer. as long as there are any non-customers out there, the architects of the matrix have much work to do. the architects might be freaking out tho, because people across all social groups are rapidly losing interest.
Election outcomes may simultaneously have little impact on most but a major impact on a few. For example, I wonder if samurai and tornado cash devs would be in their current situations if Trump had won in 2020. And the result of this election may make a profound difference to Ross Ulbricht.
Unless the sun wafts a heinous radioactive fart our way I'm just going to keep going to work 🤷
Doesn't really effect my day to day, mainstream media will be mainstream media, politicians will be politicians, and life will go on.
Not at all. Everyone around me is on edge but I couldn’t care less. If Trump wins we’ll get more “mostly peaceful” protests which will make good TV viewing. If Kamala wins we’ll have 4 more years of what we’ve just had - which I’ve already survived - and possibly another January 6th which will also make for great TV viewing. Either way where I live I won’t be affected by riots from either side. Life will go on either way for me.
The first step to zen is stop listening to Whitney webb
Get ya popcorn ready, is out of your control anyway... enjoy the show...! :-)
I think they need you to be worried and think "this is the most important election of our lifetime" again... The real concern is that regardless who wins their system will keep being corrupt to the core. Just opt-out and stop playing their game.
I always feel we are always headed to a disaster. But I think that is because of how media is selling the fear. I remember 2008, 9/11, swine flu, avian flu, covid, trump....so many things.
I am traveling the day after the election for a funeral service. It didn't occur to me until after I booked the travel, but it could be a day of chaos. Oh well
aw may you have an easy trip for such a somber occasion. I want to say God bless you but that feels like it has a little too much gravity
Thank you, appreciate it.
Another good reason not to listen to Whitney Webb, I guess. :-)
I don't see anything awful happening in the next two days. I do expect some awfulness in the two weeks or so after; no matter what happens, a sizable portion of people are going to cry "bullshit," and how they express that rage may lead to more bad stuff. But I'm hopeful that it's not bunker-level stuff. Maybe my long-dormant optimism is just rearing its head briefly.
I hope everything goes smoothly and peacefully and you guys have a clear outcome on election night.
Haha good one
I'm not worried. In either case, some seriously bad shit is going to happen. The question is one of degree. Trump is better suited, as he is ready to take the garbage out whereas the other one hasn't figured out she's in a trash heap.
I diligently absorbed two hours of Whitney Webb yesterday to nurture my paranoia.
lol I know that feeling.
70 to 75 percent of voters polled believe the country is on the wrong track, things are getting worse.
Will things get better or worse?