No new features since months. Last update on blog 1y ago. Only retweets on Twitter. Anyone from the team here and can clarify?
Looks like there are commits on the muun android/iOS github within the last few weeks:
You should read this #70725
I still use it without issue sparingly.. mostly when I'm just going from lightning to on-chain so I can sell on cashapp or at a p2p for fiat. Easiest and most convenient way since it's feeless..
Cash app and Strike and any app that can convert to dollars is a third party money processing app that will send a report to the IRS as of 2022.
I believe this IRS rule is great for bitcoin and the circular economy because it is so invasive and appalling. As a bitcoiner, it is best to stop using those apps. They are great apps and play an important role in onboarding normies.
I don't use cashapp in my name to do this...
Still works great, which means they're still operating their swap service, which means they're still alive.
I used it yesterday and every week before for the last 5-6 months with zero issues.
Each transfer between 1-5m sats.
community is arguing about it afaik 😂😂
with the stacker news search function you will find arguments. Darthcoin is a outspoken enemy of moon
On reddit you will find a lot of fanboys
Honestly, I have lost overview as well