This is a thread for random discussions that gets posted everyday at 5am central.
Tell us what you're doing today, ask questions, or vent about your life. Whatever you want, let it rip!
"Nearly Half Of Americans Making Six-Figures Living Paycheck To Paycheck"
Caus they cant stop consuming
Someone should make an immutable Twitter on lightning. Where you can’t edit or delete old tweets
@k00b when I want a post to go up on top listed or at least to be in top 20, does the amount of sats matter? Or only the amount of boosts, no matter how many sats users they tipped in the boost?
I was playing around with some posts and I couldn't find a relation.
The amount of sats doesn't currently matter - too easy to game. It will in the future.
So we will have two separate things like tipping amount of sats as "appreciation" and a boost thing that will just upvote the post?
That sounds good if is like that.
It's not bad as is, but it'd be cool if more sats elevated it more.
Right now you're right, more sats just show more appreciation to the poster.
The logos for WoS and Oshi are suspiciously similar...
I'd pay sats for a API!
The first step towards a mobile app. It would be nice to get notifications on my phone.
how many we talking 🧐🧐
I'd pay a couple of sats per call.
An API or an API wrapper?
If the latter, how much?
Making progress in my little cabin project 🙂 I've managed to finish the floor and I'm moving to the most fun part, which is framing walls and the roof 😁 Looking forward to the next few days. Also, it seems that finally it's going to be sunny for at least a week.
Have a good one!
@k00b an idea for searching on SN: why not linking the posts to Bitcoin blocks?
Make it by Bitcoin blocks number. Group all posts during the mining of a block and when you click the block number, will show up the ones posted that time. Posts will be like "transactions" in a BTC block :)
You mean linking to the actual bitcoin blockchain or simulating a "SN blockchain" ? Asking because a SN blockchain was proposed in a different post about spam
Twitter Analytics results for @StackerNewsFeed Twitter account for September 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 79.6K impressions over this 30 day period
Tweets: 1,622 Profile visits: 12.4K Mentions: 377 New followers: 59 Engagement rate: 3.4% Link clicks: 1.0k Retweets without comments: 369 Likes: 376 Replies: 363
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 154 (+9 since September 1)

For August 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 85.9K impressions over this 31 day period
Tweets: 1,492 Profile visits: 18,600 Mentions: 248 New followers: 69 Engagement rate: 3.9% Link clicks: 1.5k Retweets without comments: 500 Likes: 542 Replies: 230
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 145 (+10 since August 1)

For July 2022:
Tweet activity Your Tweets earned 79.6K impressions over this 30 day period
Tweets: 1,276 Profile visits: 12,700 Mentions: 188 New followers: 62 Engagement rate: 3.1% Link clicks: 935 Retweets without comments: 283 Likes: 362 Replies: 174
Mastodon (Fediverse) for Followers: 135 (+6 since July 1)

Data for earlier months can be found starting from the August 2022 summary

Twitter account impressions - July 2 2022 - September 30 2022
Lets obfuscate the upvoting more, and ban upvoting excactly 10 or 100
btw. i am kidding :)
Is someone salty 🧂that they got ratiod? 😂😂
Moving one of my sites away from Shopify back to WordPress! For more freedom and flexibility tinkering around Bitcoin.
I'm thinking about will you sir @sn @k00b gonna make app of SN? 🤔
Use the Stacker News search function for this. It has been discussed before

Tip of the day!

Lightning Network (LN) Resources for newbies
I see many new users coming here but have no idea about LN and how it works and why LN exist.
IMPORTANT aspects:
  • Bitcoin layer 1 (onchain) could not grow and go forward without LN! Forget about saying that you will always transact only onchain.
  • Bitcoin L1 (onchain) will just gonna die without LN.
  • Soon the L1 will be used ONLY to open and close LN channels, store large amount of BTC in cold wallets, NOT to transact each others, to buy groceries.
  • Onchain is your "central bank", your store of value system.
  • LN is the PAYMENT NETWORK for L1 (onchain), the spending pockets, your "commercial bank".
As I explained in this guide, use the 3 level of stashing: HODL, Cache, Spend.
Guys, before start saying nonsense and stupidities about LN, please read and learn more about LN. There is a plethora of documentation out there, free, open, guides etc. Are there to be read, not to be ignored.
Please bookmark them, it will save you a lot of time if you read them.
Here I prepared for you, a basic list:
A. General information and documentation about the Lightning Network
B. Guides and Video tutorials about the Lightning Network and Bitcoin nodes
And many more links here
nice guide ... thanks .
Big fan of openoms. When I ran my raspiblitz he was a huge help
I'd be willing to fix your grammatical issues in this guide and all of your others for a couple thousand sats. Let me know if interested, it could make your guides a lot more user-friendly.
Not interested. I've told you several times. I am not here for a grammatical challenge or Oxford English prize...
Ok, that's fine - it's your choice. It's just a shame though, your articles seem to have a lot of effort put into them. As a native English speaker, they can sometimes be slow to get through. I understand it all fine, but the grammar needs to be cleaned up quite a bit.
If your goal is to help newbies (which is what the title of the article seems to imply), it could be fruitful to focus on the language you use to teach them.