I learn a lot about myself here on stacker. It is where I get most of my human interaction. I am quite used to having very different world views than most people around me. I believe I have a very unique perspective. And even though we are mostly bitcoiners here, there are still many different world views, which is great. I wouldn't want everyone to be like me. That would be a strange, messed up, world.
And yet, I still find my myself participating in discussions that I have no business engaging with. I find myself occasionally dropping in to drop a few words that I know are going to trigger other people. It's like I am looking for a fight. Why do I do this?
I think in some level, I just want connection whatever it looks like. Even when it feels bad. How strange is that? Do you ever chase a confrontation?
One of my biggest lessons in life is to stay silent more often. I am basically writing this to remind myself of this lesson. I only want to spread my love. I want to share about things that are close to my heart. I want to share my unique perspective, not try and get others to change theirs. This is my goal. Can anyone relate to this? Can we really ever convince anyone of anything? Or can we really only lead by example?
Thank you stackers for being my online community.