So my cat, Timothy, enjoys being quite lazy, taking long naps in the afternoon and all the other shit-disturbing antics one can expect from a house-cat. He lives a safe and comfortable life indoors, aside from the occasional sojourn onto the front porch to stretch out and scratch his back on the cool concrete. He is very timid, and I expect would not fare too well if allowed to venture too long in 'nature' (I live in the city).
Recently, the two of us have had a dilemma. I've been so focused on stacking sats, I have failed to notice his cat tree is becoming worn-out and a bit wobbly. He has pretty good balance when when using it to scale onto the adjacent windowsill, and although it sways a little to the left as he propels himself thence, that's no bother to him.
He will, on occasion, fall asleep on the upmost tier of this wobbly cat tree. Amidst such cat-naps, while snoring away as the afternoon sun leans in through the window, dreaming about Temptations and back-rubs, he sometimes finds himself jolted awake, barreling headlong toward the floor, with just enough time to wrestle his body to an upright position and land on his four feet.
I imagine this is not a comfortable feeling, to fall from your throne while just trying to catch so z's. And I've thought about replacing his cat-tree to prevent these cruel awakenings. Cat trees, however, are quite pricey, like minimum 80 000 sats for a decent one.
I'm wondering: what would the stackers on SN do in my position?