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I recently made a post #781431, where I used Sparrow and NUNCHUK to create an OnlyWatch wallet, in which a transaction is signed in Sparrow offline and transmitted with NUNCHUK online. This is an alternative for those who for some reason do not want or cannot have a Cold Wallet (Hardware Wallet).
On this occasion I propose to do the same but only using NUNCHUK. So whoever does not have a computer or has a mobile phone that they no longer use can have their stashes in a somewhat safer way.
We start by installing NUNCHUK on both phones.
On the phone that we do not use, which will also be OFFLINE ALWAYS, we are going to create a new wallet. With NUNCHUK it is as simple as saying CREATE HOTWALLET and that's it. You can edit the name later, but you already have a wallet with its key. It will appear in Orange, that means you haven't saved your seed yet, so I advise you to do it and make sure it's safe, IT'S 24 WORDS.
Now it's time to create the OnlyWatch. To do this, in the created wallet we go to VIEW WALLET CONFIGURATION and touch the three dots in the upper right corner and select EXPORT WALLET CONFIGURATION. We have several options, I recommend using BSMS, which creates a file that we then import into the phone we're going to use to transmit, or use QR BC-UR2, which we scan with the phone we're going to use to transmit.
We go to the phone we're going to use to transmit, the one that's going to be ONLINE. In the same way we CREATE a new wallet, but this time with the option RECOVER AN EXISTING WALLET. Here we use Via QR, in that case we scan the QR that is being generated on the first mobile and that's it. If we use Via BSMS, we will have to send the BSMS file that we have saved on the first phone, it is recommended to use Bluetooth or USB. The file is imported and that's it, we already have an OnlyWatch wallet in our NUNCHUK.
This option, I repeat, is for those who for some reason CANNOT or DO NOT WANT to have a cold wallet. So you can create a transaction in the OnlyWatch wallet, then export via PSBT or QR file, the transaction to the wallet that has the key to sign, return the PSBT file to the mobile that is online and transmit the transaction.
READY, it's that simple. The good thing about NUNCHUK is that in addition to being able to do all that, you can even select the Coin that we are going to use for each transaction, something that other applications for OnlyBitcoin Wallets also do, is that with NUNCHUK YOU CAN DO IT AND LEARN IN TESTNET.
old disposable mobile device + nunchuck = 👍👍👍
Thank you, my friend. Thank you for your comment, simple but important to me. Thank you for your support to the community. Thank you for your inspiration.
Thanks for all the info you share. I find it really interesting. This is a great post.
Thank you for your comment. I am very glad that it is useful to you. We will continue walking and we will continue to see each other in the council burrow. Successes
He seguido tus pasos y creado la wallet como dices. Lo que no me queda claro de la explicación, es el proceso desde ese punto para enviar fondos a la wallet offline. Tengo fondos en la online pero no veo donde está la forma de exportarlo a la offline. ¿Por favor podrías detallar los pasos para hacerlo?.
He intentado mandar fotos de las direcciones pero no puedo, no sé que pasa. Son las mismas para la original y la billetera OnlyWatch.
Como tienes la billetera de Solo Mirar, es simplemente usar una de las direcciones que está en esa billetera. Al final esas direcciones pertenecen a la billetera original
Perdona por mi falta de conocimientos. No veo la forma de pasarlo a la offline:
  1. Hace falta tener cuenta en Nunchuk para hacerlo? No estoy registrado.
  2. Si pongo momentáneamente la offline en modo online ¿se actualiza?
Disculpa por preguntar cosas básicas pero aún estoy a nivel muy principiante. 🤣
En realidad si no preguntas no podrás aprender. Primero entrar en modo invitado o con un correo no hace la diferencia para este asunto.
Debes ver a la billetera que tienes offline como una Billetera Fría, solo la vas a utilizar para firmar.
La billetera creada en el dispositivo que va a transmitir es la que actualiza el saldo, crea la transacción y la transmites.
Recuerda que los BTC estan en la cadena, no en la billetera. En la billetera lo que tienes son las llaves privadas para firmar.
Cuando quieres recibir es simple, en la billetera que está online pones recibir y la dirección que sale para recibir la usas y listo. Cuando se envía a esa dirección, se actualiza el saldo de BTC que controla esa llave. Para enviar creas la transacción en la billetera que va a estar online, porque es la que tiene el saldo actualizado, si lo intentas con la offline te dirá saldo insuficiente. Una vez creada exportas la transacción, ya sea mediante un archivo PSBT o un QR, en el disponible offline tienes que importar la transacción para formarla, luego exportas la transacción al dispositivo online, igual mediante archivos PSBT o QR y la transmites.
Puedes poner la billetera offline en online, pero ya entonces no tiene la seguridad de que tus llaves privadas no toquen Internet.
Hola de nuevo, tengo una pregunta. ¿Puedo seguir en español o prefieres en inglés?