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It blows my mind this site is still up and operational. After having been scammed by them almost 3 years ago. I am always looking to see when they will finally pack up ship and go into the dark web abyss.

But know and behold they are still active.

I know the funds are gone but I really want HSG to go down. Even if I have to pay to bring these scum to justice. Shutting them down to stop the next person from being scammed will be worth it!

In 2025 this is my plan to bring these crooks to justice:

  1. Engage with this company and act like I am going to pay the fee
  2. Once I get an address to pay the outstanding fee hire this company and give them the address I plan on paying my fee to.
  3. Pay the fee
  4. Tell the company to track my payment in real time
  5. Take the results from the company and go to my local police department and open a case of being scammed on the internet and present all my evidence
  6. Make a report with the federal government about this site scamming people and still being operational.
This post will be where I will hold my self accountable to seeing through this effort in 2025. I will keep this thread updated as I go.
Also stackers who provide constructive feedback and information will be zapped accordingly. If you think this approach can be refined or know of better resources I can use to help me accomplish my goal please let me know.

Why do this?

People who get scammed like this walk around with a lot of guilt feeling helpless into being duped and losing money they earned.
Then you have privacy and anti state bros who say you should eat your loss and move on with life.
Well I believe criminals should be brought to justice. Stealing is stealing it doesn’t matter if it happens in the fiat world or in the bitcoin world. Criminals should be stopped and brought to justice.
So this post will hopefully give others who been scammed to not feel ashamed and it’s okay to put in an effort to stop criminals and to prevent future victims. Plus when others google HSG more information can be found and hopefully stopping someone from getting involved and learning from my mistakes.
In the event I do get my funds back. All the stackers giving me positive vibes on this post will be zapped a percentage of the recovery.
Go get 'em Blok!
I fucking love justice.
They are experienced in this and do videos of it for a living.
It looks like they do this more for content then an actual service to help people and bring people to justice
How I got involved in all this mess was because of telegram. I only joined telegram because it was the only place bitcoin app developers would host tech support. I find it laughable that hard core maxis use the scam infested chat app.
I was looking at some of the whole chats and everyone had deleted their account. So it is clear they cut bait but according to HSG they are still active on the site.
The plot thickens
Also it appears they are now open to accepting bitcoin to pay my fee. Very interesting.
As soon as I get the bitcoin address I will post it here and reach out to the crypto asset recovery company. Pay for their services and drop that address. Then let’s track and see where my fee goes! Any stackers who are wizards at reading the chain and can provide insight I I’ll zap you sats!
The humiliation ritual continues! Thru must be looking for new deposits to keep the ponzi going
It’s 2025 and the sting operation is getting started. So I engaged with HSG and now they are taking BTC to pay off my “fee” to receive my withdrawal
Notice they only give you 48 to 72 hours to deposit the “fee”. I wonder why the window is so short.
So the plan is this; I will hire the recovery service company; Have them generate a fresh address and then give it to the company to track. Then I will pay the fee and confirm the live action theft and then start the process to engage with law enforcement to bring this scam site to justice!


I will keep this thread updated as I go along.
I'm on the edge of my seat!
It's a real life spy thriller.
Call me Satlock (Play on Matlock) haha
34 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 1 Dec 2024
I think this is a really bad idea. You’re just going to give the scammers even more money. And this tracing company might also be a scam.
I would let it go. Your efforts to bring them to justice are honorable but I expect them to be futile. Happy to be proven wrong though.
This may be true but how do we stop them? They are still openly scamming people!!!
I at least have to try. If it fails then it will be documented on SN
These bastards! This is why they must be brought to justice
Sending messages like this on the holidays knowing they are actively scamming me is ridiculous.
Thanks for this article, it has given me some confidence coz I've been scammed before. Get this lazy goons bro
We all get humbled eventually. So will they.
Beat the crap Outta them. Good Luck!
Good luck. Revenge is a dish best served cold.
If you have the energy and money why not...but, as you know, you won t stop the scammers...
May be it will be more effective in bulding something to educate people to avoid to fall into the trap of the scammers
Good Luck....
I sympathize with you and am sorry for your loss.
I don't think the federal government will be as effective as you might think. I would avoid going through the crypto asset recovery site so you can use that money to stack more.
The best thing you can do to get back at the scammers and the ineffective government that has failed you is to withhold your tax money whenever possible. Also vote for politicians that want to disassemble all the useless structures we have today and advocate for more eyes to be set on problems like these. Maybe a little vigilantism is the real solution.
If you decide to ignore this and proceed anyway, I wish you the best. I'm not trying to be a preachy ideologue, I just want to prevent you from losing more money.
I appreciate the feedback. Thing is if I take this approach what is stopping this site from scamming someone else? I am willing to take the loss of it means stoping the scam and preventing others from losing money. From this very site. Even if it helps one person from losing their bitcoin to this site it would be money well spent!
No not know * typos 😅