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Biraz destek istiyorum arkadaşlar lütfen
how much does Layer 2 Labs pay you as podcast sponsor?
Beautiful ! Let's Save Bitcoin ! #216228
Is this your podcast?
Yes sir, it is.
sounds terribly dangerous.
stackers have outlawed this. turn on wild west mode in your /settings to see outlawed content.
CUSF will be the greatest example of why a miner activated soft fork is not an actual activation.
Why can't you just undo soft forks? Because nodes enforce the rules of soft forks and undoing those rules would require everyone to coordinate i.e. a hard fork.
But what if nodes aren't enforcing a soft forks rules? Well then it could be undone easily by the miner coordination.
and it's success in less time than it's taken Lightning to be still shit, will be the greatest condemnation of toxic Maxi's and Core.
@psztorc has lost all credibility to me ever since I hard him being disingenuous when discussing proposals other than Drivechains. If he's dishonest about competing proposals, how can I trust him when discussing his own stuff?
Why are you anon, genuinely curious
Core and small blockers have lost credibility after doing nothing for 10+ years and wasting time and resources on bullshit like lightning.
100k There's obvious value.
measuing your success in FIAT
is NOT
Notice Gold is at ATH's too.
Wow, omega bait huh? Can't believe that's actually your opinion, because if it is then you are really misinformed, in any case this type of flame war is not really welcome.
How about we have a constructive debate instead? Something that doesn't entail calling the work of lots of people 'nothing' or 'bullshit'.
this kind of concern trolling along with a censorship campaing is why bitcoin has lost 49% + share to shitcoins.
of course, it has nothing to do with them wanting to play satoshi and eventually disappear with people's money lmao
Lightning sucks, doesn't scale to 8 billion people. Is terribly and overly designed with game theory that does not work.
Recent bugs and revelations about these bugs lead to persecution from the community, so the lightning dev culture is broken and waiting to lose A LOT of peoples money.
Some shitcoins might have value, only time will tell, all plants need fertilizer.
the one attitude that is guaranteed to fail over time is the toxic maximalist
who represent an species over specialization (think dodo's) sensitive to heretofore unseen ecological changes
For example, if quantum computing is actually being used right now and has been for years by and against secret agencies, we the public would be the last to know. Meaning all our bitcoin was vulnerable this whole time. This is what happens in a centralized dictatorship, it over specializes and collapses on its weak points. If however bitcoin had been more pluralistic, embraced big/dynamic blocks and other changes, or at a minimum BIP 300/1 such that core could remain the same but allow for opt-in experimentation, all the shitcoin development and some few actual technologicaly interesting advancements such as zk-proofs would have happend on Bitcoin (a good thing because shitcoins are, remember, fertilizer) including perhaps tokenized experiments in Quatum resistance.
ALL while paying bitcoin fees and supporting the network.
The market would have rewarded those who chose to invest in those experiments.
But no. Because Bitcoin maxi's are communists we are all at risk of unseen black swans at the same time.
When have they lost credibility?
lightning is amazing?
if you are a masochist i guess
lol no
Not the most insightful guy I've seen on the podcast I'll be honest...
Who's the most insightful guy you've seen on the podcast?
Hhmm can't remember them all but the John Carvalho on Lightning comes to mind.
Not gonna happen
gonna happen
you can't stop it, nodes can't, no one can
im not trying to stop it
Love your show dude! So glad you're here! You have a great quirky show, ask good questions, let people talk a lot, and keep it at a level us plebs can understand.
Honestly I listen to most of the more technical podcasts too, but yours and Bitcoin Audible I think are the two best for trying to help normies and maxis understand what the hell is going on in Bitcoin dev space, and why it's important.
Thank you sir, much appreciated! Had a pretty rough year with a couple of nerve-breaking moments, it's good to see some appreciation too. It's what motivates me to keep going.
This guy, Paul, needs to leave. And shove things in places.
Incredible 290k boost and 905 sats zapped. 🤔
"290k boost" lol
have fun staying poor
Getting deja vu. I'm always impressed how much money people waste trying to change Bitcoin to suit their vision. How much did the bcashers lose all told? Must be on the order of a million BTC.
Bitcoin Maxi's are embracing the state, KYC and values itself in a fiat number. They are even discussing tail inflation.
BCH lost the battle but not the war.
Monero will win the war.
But why not drive Drivechains on Monero first ? The way I understand it, it will attract more miners to their chain. and when Monero is with more hash-power we just migrate/drivechain Bitcoin to the more secure chain.
Bitcoin miners are too busy to merge-mine Namecon at the moment.
Ah Christ, this guy again.
good show! Thanks for the episode
So it is something like a switch for a soft fork "x"? I mean like the switch I can turn on and off about RBF or about datacarriersize? It does not seem too terrible.
However having too many switches may become overwhelming to me (not to say to a normal user)
Soft forks are ok with me. Miners can choose any txs to mine anyway, and we already have a lot of types of txs (rbf on/off, op_return, inscription, multisig, taproot, legacy, etc).
The thing about another software in parallel to core looks a bit risky for me. I do not like lightning because lf that, more risks for bugs.
Because of all the above, I prefer to not do this. There are very good devs at core, the human factor/reputation is important.
Gettin' boosty wit-it 🫳🏻💰
if the eyes are windows into the soul, this guy is...shifty ba dun TSSSSS
Bitcoin forks are variably defined as changes to the Bitcoin network protocol or as situations that occur “when two or more blocks have the same block height.” A fork influences the validity of the rules. Giving the preliminary concept of what it means, it can be said that forks are generally performed to add new features to a blockchain, to reverse the effects of hacking or catastrophic errors. Forks require consensus to resolve or else a permanent split arises. A hard fork would be the perfect strategy to protect assets within the bitcoin network, it should be valued as it would help more efficiently reverse network damage.
excellent podcast and every topic discussed there about bitcoin gives a solid foundation of how to understand the ecosystem. Thanks for sharing
How is this still at the to top of SN
Sounds awesome
Seems like it people make money
What a great, perfect podcast, congratulations on appearing on the podcast show, I hope SN friends can also be like this.
We need a short TL;DR for this. Why would miners (or is it mining pools?) do this and why?
Maximize their revenue? You know, they make money from fees.
[meta] Will we have our first boost war?
seems like it, it just replaced #803740
Can we have a deboosting option? This is just drivechain crap that's not really interesting. I'd pay to have it not stare at me every time I visit this site. If Vlad wants to boost against the de-boosting of everyone else, more power to him, but I'd pay to not see this post.
Downzapped for the lulz
ffs Jimmy, I thought you were a big shot. Can't you afford to spare $300 to boost your own work to the top of the page?
Maybe come up with a theory that users should be able to "deboost" ordinals from the mempool? Or double spend inscriptions to replace them with orthodox lightning channel openings and multisigs? Because obviously stuff you don't like should not exist and therefore the people shouldn't possess the means to produce it. Gotta gatekeep like every true libertarian!
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @anon 1 Jan
Also downzapped Jimmy. I was hoping to see him act on his words, but ended up being empty talk. Also, CUSF is BS.
deleted by author