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I have gotten the go ahead from my friend at LIH Tea Company to post the link to his site. This is one of the sites owned by the business I discussed in this post:
I anticipate the owner will soon be making a Stacker News account. @AG will probably be able to explain to him how to best use this territory
this territory is moderated
I used to take Kratum in university and it would really slow down my heart rate so I got a bit more leery about taking it. I would get hyper focused and relaxed at the same time. Maybe I wasn't dosing correctly.
If I remember correctly, there are different strains with a range of different modalities.
Really cool that they got on the Bitcoin train. Wishing them the best!
same here. Kratom is in the coffee family. Coffee gets my heart rate flowing, whereas kratom gave me mental motivation.
I don't use it much, but I am using methylene blue now.
Today I learned what Kratom is. Super cool.
"Crypto payments are now live on our site"
I did see the bitcoin logo though.
His web developers were ad libbing. I just told him to get the word "crypto" off the site. He said it will be gone in 10 minutes.
Haha. In the words of our esteemed (using that term very liberally here) fellow stacker @realBitcoinDog "It's so early"!
IT’s So Early! that LIH Tea Company Web Developers thought it’d be a good idea to use the word “crypto!”
What are they high?
Today I learned what Kratom is
Question is: have you liked it?
I just learned what it is so I have not tried it.
I am not sure if I would like it. I don't like THC based edibles and drinks but I do like CBD based edibles and drinks. I guess it depends how strong the psychoactive element is. I am not particularly a fan of being high (at least not anymore).
its not related to weed.. Its another class.. Low dosages are stimulant and high doses are sedative..
The "high" is not like weed at all.. THC behaves like a very weak acid (lsd). You dont get to trip like that on kratom..
The stimulant part is like an awake state and the sedative like a dreamy state, but not trippy
It is certainly interesting. I would try it out. I must ask my wife is she is familiar with it and has tried it.
If it wasnt for the hard constipation i would like it more.. I have fun for some hours but then... Not good for me. But this may change from person to person and even maybe from extract to extract..
I'll be definitely happy to help. Bring him onboard!
I typically buy Kratom from Super Speciosa because they make an extract of the active ingredient, but I'll give these guys a shot next time.
you go for low or high dosage?
I’ll eat one or two of their gummies usually which have 35mg of mitragynine.
the low dose then.. Just enough to keep you going :) i also go for the low dosage
I thought your friend was selling sex articles online. Drugs seemed too obvious, lol.
We only offer shipping to the contiguous United States at this time.
big sad
oh.. you in germany rigth.. you have suppliers just around the corner
A buddy paid me back lunch money he borrowed in 2014, but in Bitcoin instead of USD. In 2016 I started taking Kratom and in 2017 when my $20 was now worth $300 I used it to buy lots of Kratom. Some sites took Bitcoin directly back then. I had to stop taking Kratom because of how crazy addicted I got. In spring 2022 I finally was able to break the habit.
I'm sorry to hear that. I'm glad you are doing better.
Nice. I don’t consume Kratum but cool to see bitcoin being used for more e-commerce and circular economy.
Are you like a Better Call Saul type of lawyer, Siggy?
Great show, but it is fiction. I knew a few lawyers who came close.
I have a local business that accepts bitcoin for Kratom. It was actually my first in-store bitcoin purchase. I used River but next time it will come directly from my lightning node
You must be feeling rather proud of yourself 😉
I hope you orange pill another person before 2024 ends!
What is Kratum?
Yeah I'd stay away from it as it's apparently highly addictive and has caused thousands of deaths
ahhh the druggie corner.. Kratom is a nice plant.. Shame it totally blocks my intestines just like opioids do.. Not a good match for me
Sorry I misspelled Kratom. I am a novice.