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It was completely unallowable for anyone to even entertain the idea that she was lying, so it came as quite the cultural shock when they were acquitted.
I would wager that most people still believe they raped her and it is definitely the first thing anyone thinks of if Duke Lacrosse is mentioned.
Yes, you couldn’t say otherwise, no matter the evidence that was brought out. One kid wasn’t even there when she was! It was a huge shock to hear of acquittal. You are right about what people think when they heard Duke Lacrosse. It is now about 20 years later and they are finally cleared by a liar.
Maybe cleared officially, but still permanently smeared and stigmatized.
I don’t know how they are doing now. I haven’t heard. This is the problem with “always believe the woman”. I think you see a lot of it going on in family courts, too. I guess dishonesty has a reward and as long as someone is paying it, there will be dishonesty. Until strong, adversarial cross-examinations are allowed, there will be lies.
There was a rush to a guilty judgment because the accuser was black woman and the accused were white males
If the accuser was white female and the accused black males, innocent until proven guilty
Yes, that is understood since the late 1960s. Also understood is that every black person deserves reparations from every white person no matter who they are. These are the advantages of the lefty/Marxist/socialist/communist/murderers propaganda and indoctrination process.
Black privilege that no one will acknowledge
I've had some second hand experience with this. In a left-coast liberal city, someone I know was a juror in a trial. A black lady hit another car, the evidence appeared really clear that she was guilty, and she was also under the influence. But she was acquitted, other jurors flat-out said things like, "there's no way I'm going to convict a black person".
There you go! Privilege, indeed! If people can get away with whatever they would do and have no consequences you wind up with San Francisco and Chicago and so many other cities in decay.
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Hahahahaha!! I don’t think that coupon will be good for long. Especially not in areas where there are Korean shops!
I wasn't shocked by OJ Simpson verdict
Duke President Richard Brodhead cancelled the lacrosse season.
The DA knew the accuser was unreliable yet he prosecuted and was later suspended
Guilty until proven innocent i.e. the accuser is full of shit
Yes, they moved without having a jury weigh in on it and decide based on the evidence and cross-examination. It was a travesty of academic justice.
The boys were all expelled, if I recall correctly. Granted, they were partying with a prostitute, so maybe that's enough.
They were not expelled for partying, which would be a suspension at worst.
I think they sued Duke and won a nice cash settlement but still, their lives were ruined
I do recall the suits that followed, but don’t remember the specifics. I think all of them became independently wealthy from the suits, but I also remember them as being rich kids from the beginning. They should go back for another dipping from the slush fund of the state university.
That sounds familiar.
Yes, but they were screwed up one side and down the other. I haven’t heard of them since then.
Yes, all expelled and the lacrosse team disbanded. All due to lying. This is part of law. Lying does not go.