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Lol ๐Ÿคฃ they are too many to feed.
That is incredible. Where I live just about everyone considers deer a nuisance. There are always calls for culling. It is very difficult to grow any planned crops because they will eat everything. For our vegetable garden we have finally put up 10 foot fencing. It seems to be working.
Deer also spread lyme disease. My wife, myself, and one of my dogs have gotten it.
Still, I can't help but like these animals. I wouldn't touch them or feed them, but I no longer attempt to chase them away. They are skittish and wary, but they seem to recognize people who mean them no harm, like this guy in the video. I now talk to them like I would to one of my dogs, and once in a while we have stood a few feet apart. As I said, I would not try to touch them, but I do want peaceful co-existence.
but I do want peaceful co-existence.
Great reflection. This is what many people should think, who live complaining about the animals that live around them. "I'm sure that before there were thinking humans, there were already animals loose all over the planet." Our duty is to live in peace and harmony with our environment, and that obviously includes animals.
how did you took the disease from them? did you touch them or how?
No, it is spread through ticks. I didn't realize the tick had burrowed into my back until it was too late.
ah ok, yes the ticks are the fuckers. I got one few years ago building my citadel, but my wife find it on me at the right time and nothing happened.
I have gotten many, many tick bites in my life. I have probably removed dozens from my dogs over the years. Many ticks are harmless. The deer tick carries lyme. I think ticks can spread other crazy illnesses like Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever (love that name!)
Thats a lot of cute protein!
Nice hair. I'm jealous! ๐Ÿ˜
After learning about what goes on at Fort Detrich I'm sceptical that is the deer spreading lime disease.
I'm also reckless.
Is Darth on TokTik?
never. is just a link from nostr
I heard deer have the zombie disease/virus thing. Have to be careful with them.
Are you talking about this? Zombie deer diseaseโ€™ epidemic spreads in Yellowstone as scientists raise fears it may jump to humans - https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/dec/22/zombie-deer-disease-yellowstone-scientists-fears-fatal-chronic-wasting-disease-cwd-jump-species-barrier-humans-aoe
I found so many videos of this incident on social media, and this isnโ€™t something very new. Itโ€™s about a year old and still ongoing, where deer were behaving weirdly hitting cars, falling and standing again, attacking humans for no reason. But nobodyโ€™s sure if this thing could spread to humans. Here I found a community note, it is not related to zombies at all.
where I live (in the mountains) are not so many, I am even happy to see one. Rarely they came down into the village. I see them more where I have the citadel building site, but even there are very shy and scared.
Do you actually eat venison?
Wow in the mountains! That's cool. If you keep them some food, they may come closer, but I'm not sure they will let you pet them ๐Ÿ˜‚. And I hope this thing will not spread too much and will never reach where you live.
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You know what video is on its way in reply....