I've recently spun up a Voltage node with the main reason being able to accept LN payments with my startup SATOSH.EE (#784376).
Since both SN and Alby are going non-custodial, I wanted to connect them both to my node as well.
I've set up different sub-accounts on my Voltage node via LNBits (company nostr, personal nostr & SN, A Stoic Resurrection (#662497), Open Source Culture, other projects) so that I can keep personal, company and different projects' balances separate.
Both of these tutorials seem to be outdated:
I was able to connect SN via LNBits fairly easily. However, I am unable to connect Voltage (via LNBits) and Alby. Straight Voltage to Alby connection (which I am also unable to figure out how to do) would not be ideal since, as I mentioned before, I would like to keep the balances separate for accounting purposes.
Alternatively, feel free to recommend other options for creating sub-accounts within Voltage that can be also connected to nostr or other external apps.