So, the computer that was running my Alby Hub node crashed a couple of days ago. This threw me into a bit of a panic, to say the least. I spent the rest of that day and most of yesterday trying to troubleshoot the computer.
I was definitely worried that I wouldn't be able to restore the node. This has been my first foray at running a lightning node. I don't normally keep much on there, but I was in the process of moving a decently large amount of sats around when it crashed, which left me concerned about being able to make my territory payments on SN.
Fortunately, I did manage to get Alby Hub running again long enough to make the backup file used to migrate a node to another device.
Then, I just followed the guide on Alby's website and in no time my node was up and running on another computer. (I believe this would have worked without the backup file, but I was relieved to be able to retrieve it)
It never ceases to amaze me that bitcoin stuff just sort of works, as long as you have your keys (of course).