I just found a file named
on my computer, and I had completely forgotten that I created it. The filename sounded intriguing, so I opened it and started reading.While reading it, I realized it contained notes for a universe I had been developing in my head at some point. These notes were meant as preparation for a (short) story set in that universe, which I may or may not write someday. But I think it didn’t really matter to me whether I ever would write a story using them. It was already fun just to imagine such a universe and think about how I could create an interesting storyline within it.
Anyway, rereading these forgotten notes was a pretty cool experience because I remembered that, at the time, I wasn’t sure if the idea was indeed interesting. But since I had completely forgotten writing them, I was able to read it as if someone else had written it—and it actually got me interested in that universe again. I wanted to read more.
So that's cool and that's why I am sharing them now. Maybe I'll indeed think about it more from time to time and add more notes.
# Fractures in Reality
* reality may fracture at any time in any way at any place
* examples for fractures:
* coins always land on the same side now
* everybody dies in the same way (age, accident, disease)
* a portal to a new universe opens up like in _Rick and Morty_
* a journal of someone living after reality fractured
* some people were born after reality started to fracture and thus don't know the "Old World"
* journal helps that someone to stay sane and remember the old days
* wonders if the fractures were a gift or a curse
* human generations are named after the first fracture they experienced
* fractures are harnessed after we have studied them
* most don't care about the fractures but do enjoy the technological advancements they made possible
Nobody noticed the first time the universe broke.
It took a few weeks from the first reports to be believed.